The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 8 May

Associated Press Saturday, 9 May 2015, 07:01 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Conservative Party swept to power Friday in Britain's Parliamentary elections, winning an unexpected victory. Prime Minister David Cameron's office said he would go to Buckingham Palace, where he is expected to tell Queen Elizabeth II that he has enough support to form a government.


BRUSSELS — One huge election victory under his belt, David Cameron now heads into another fundamental campaign for Britain with renewed vigor: should his island nation remain in the European Union if there is no reform within the next two years. 


PARIS — With quiet moments of memory or military pomp, leaders and ordinary citizens across Europe are marking 70 years since the Nazi defeat and the end of a war that ravaged the continent. 


MOSCOW — A former Russian paratrooper is haunted by the memory of comrades being wiped out by the Nazis. Another veteran recalls the terror of being captured by SS troops after his plane was shot down. A former radio operator relives the tragedy of families abandoning their prized possessions in the exodus from Crimea after the German invasion. As Russia celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Allied victory in Europe in World War II, veterans are filled with a mixture of pride and sadness as they salute their achievements while remembering the horrific suffering of fellow soldiers and ordinary Russians.


BERLIN — When Paul Schmitz was a little boy, he never understood why kids in his tiny German village taunted him as a "Yank" and beat him up. He was a teenager by the time he found out: His father was an American soldier with whom his mother had a romance with in the final days of World War II. 


BRUSSELS — A European Union proposal to establish a quota system obliging member countries to share the burden of settling refugees is likely to be rejected. Slovakia and Estonia are among those that have publicly objected to a quota system, which would require unanimous agreement among the 28 EU nations.


MOSCOW — Russia's space agency says the unmanned cargo ship that went out of control en route to the International Space Station has fallen to Earth somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. 

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