The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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France backs call to overhaul European asylum quotas

Associated Press Monday, 11 May 2015, 10:16 Last update: about 10 years ago

France's top security official says the country supports a plan to distribute asylum-seekers among European countries by quota, agreeing that the current system puts an unfair burden on a handful of nations.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told RTL radio on Monday that France supports the plan, which is unraveling in the face of opposition among European Union countries. France, along with Sweden and Germany, are among a few countries accepting refugees.

The EU's executive Commission was to propose the plan Wednesday as part of a strategy to help frontline countries Italy, Greece and Malta cope with thousands of migrants. Cazeneuve also called for Europe to come up with a way to distinguish between economic immigration and asylum and organize the asylum before migrants risk their lives.

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