The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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From an uncle to a father - Prince Harry says he'd like to have children soon

Associated Press Monday, 11 May 2015, 15:45 Last update: about 10 years ago

Prince Harry has admitted that watching his brother Prince William's family grow is making him wish he had a family of his own.

Harry told Sky News during a weeklong New Zealand tour that he would love to have kids and to share his life with a partner.

"It will happen when it's going to happen," he said Monday. Harry has had several long-term relationships but has remained single.

"I would love to have kids right now but there's a process that one has to go through and tours like this are great fun. Hopefully I'm doing all right by myself," he said.

"It would be great to have someone else next to me to share the pressure, but you know ... whatever happens, happens."

Harry, 30, said both he and William want to have real jobs as one way to maintain a semblance of normalcy in their lives, which are filled with royal duties.

"Both of us feel as though we need to have a wage as well to work with normal people, to keep us sane, to keep us ticking along," he said.

He is visiting many parts of New Zealand after a month-long stint with the Australian Defense Force.

Harry has not yet met Princess Charlotte, the daughter born nine days ago to William and the Duchess of Cambridge.

He said he was thrilled about her birth and looks forward to holding her when he returns to England.

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