The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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The importance of iodine during pregnancy

Monday, 18 May 2015, 14:55 Last update: about 10 years ago

Anna Miggiani


Iodine is an essential constituent of thyroid hormones (TH). TH actively take part in critical periods of brain development during embryonic, foetal and postnatal stages. Therefore the absence of TH or iodine in these critical periods produces irreversible brain damage. In fact, it is known that iodine deficiency is the leading cause of preventable brain damage worldwide. Because of the physiological adjustments during pregnancy, iodine requirements increase significantly from 150 μg per day in non-pregnant adult women to 250 μg per day.

The role of iodine during pregnancy is of great interest because this element participates in the development of the central nervous system during embryonic, fetal and postnatal stages. Iodine deficiency gives rise to a group of diseases generically called iodine deficiency disorders or IDD, which notably include conditions involving neurodevelopment, brain function and reproduction.

Adequate iodine intake during pregnancy is essential to ensure proper brain development and its deficiency in critical periods generates irreversible damage. Iodine metabolism during pregnancy is different from that in the non-pregnant woman, and this physiological scenario should be taken in account for an adequate nutritional assessment. When trying to conceive, diet must change to get essential vitamins and trace elements. It is important to get all the nutrients necessary for the baby's healthy development. Gestarelle G is specially formulated to provide mother and baby with these nutrients, including Iodine, which contributes to normal brain development.

Iodine supplementation in pregnancy is essential, and should be given importance when choosing the supplementation regime.

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