The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 20 May

Associated Press Thursday, 21 May 2015, 08:03 Last update: about 10 years ago


WASHINGTON — If President Barack Obama or his predecessor thought fighting a war with coalition partners was hard, they might consider Osama bin Laden's frustrations. Among documents gathered from his compound in Pakistan after U.S. Navy SEALs stormed the building and shot him to death is a lengthy complaint by the al-Qaida leader about working with Arabs, Uzbeks, Turks, "Russians of all kinds," Germans and others in his global jihad. 


PANKISI GEORGE, Georgia — One day this April, instead of coming home from school, two teenagers left their valley high in the Caucasus, and went off to war. In Minneapolis, Minnesota, a 20-year-old stole her friend's passport to make the same hazardous journey. And there have been many, many more: between 16,000 and 17,000, according to one independent Western estimate, men and a small number of women from 90 countries or more who have streamed to Syria and Iraq to wage Muslim holy war for the Islamic State. 


WASHINGTON — There's little doubt Richard Nixon was up to dirty tricks before his presidency ever began. Documents released by the National Archives' Nixon Presidential Library add weight to considerable, existing evidence that his 1968 presidential campaign tried to sabotage Vietnam peace talks before the U.S. election. 


SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — To some Archbishop Oscar Romero was a champion of the poor and human rights during El Salvador's darkest days. Others called him a supporter of Marxist revolution. Thirty-five years after his assassination, Romero's beatification this week, pushed by Pope Francis, stands to bring the cleric's legacy in from the cold. 


LA PAZ, Bolivia — Just months after President Evo Morales easily won re-election, Bolivia's first indigenous president is suddenly facing formidable opposition from the very "anti-colonialist" movement that propelled him to power nearly a decade ago. 


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is showing support for Tunisia's transition to democracy by opening the Oval Office to the North African country's newly elected president.


BOGOTA, Colombia — Colombians celebrate the rescue of an 11-month-old baby who survived a huge mudslide that killed at least 78 people, including the child's mother and 11 other relatives. Authorities say there is little chance other survivors will be found. 

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