The Malta Independent 8 June 2024, Saturday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 22 May

Saturday, 23 May 2015, 09:36 Last update: about 10 years ago


DUBLIN — For months, Ireland has debated whether to legalize gay marriage. Now it's time to vote, and the choice is a simple yes or no. Friday's referendum on amending the Irish constitution to give marriage rights to homosexuals is expected to be approved, based on opinion polls that consistently gave "yes" voters a double-digit lead throughout the two-month campaign. 


RIGA, Latvia — The European Union offered more money and the promise of visa-free travel to some post-communist nations Friday in an East-West partnership that has tempered its ambitions after Russia's military intervention in Ukraine. Meeting in Riga for the Eastern Partnership summit, EU and Ukrainian officials signed a 1.8 billion euro ($2 billion) loan agreement meant to help revive the country's ailing economy, which is suffering from structural problems and unrest in the industrial east. 


KIEV, Ukraine — Both warring sides in eastern Ukraine are perpetrating war crimes almost daily, including torturing prisoners and summarily killing them, Amnesty International says. It cites reports from former captives of both Ukrainian government and separatist forces who say they faced savage beatings, torture with electric shocks, kicking and stabbings.


LISBON, Portugal — A Portuguese soccer fan who was beaten by a police officer in front of his two young sons outside a stadium has filed a complaint accusing the officer of aggravated physical assault, his lawyer said Friday. The man's 66-year-old father, who was also punched by the officer, has filed a similar complaint in a case which provoked outrage in Portugal. 


DUNKIRK, France — Veterans and European officials are marking 75 years since a huge operation to evacuate 338,000 troops trapped by advancing Nazi troops from the shores of Dunkirk in northern France, one of the most dramatic moments in British military history. 


FRANKFURT, Germany — European Central Bank head Mario Draghi says governments that share the euro currency shouldn't wait for better times to push through reforms that would boost sluggish growth. Draghi said tough measures to clear away bureaucracy and make hiring and firing more flexible are needed quickly to energize the economy. 


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