The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 30 May

Associated Press Sunday, 31 May 2015, 06:44 Last update: about 10 years ago


WASHINGTON — Key Patriot Act anti-terror provisions, including bulk collection of Americans' phone records, expire at midnight unless senators come up with an 11th hour deal in an extraordinary Sunday afternoon session. 


RIO DE JANEIRO — The accused in the FIFA scandal are easy to spot: globe-trotting executives who allegedly siphoned off millions meant to build football. Those victimized aren't as obvious: youth players with hand-me-down equipment, semi-pro clubs that can't afford to travel, developmental leagues that can't pay referees. 


WASHINGTON — More than 130 suspected Nazi war criminals, SS guards and others who may have participated in the Third Reich's atrocities during World War II collected $20.2 million in retirement benefits, according to the Social Security Administration's inspector general.


ROSENBERG, Texas — The seemingly ceaseless rain swept across areas of soggy Texas again, although new serious flooding appeared to be avoided. 


WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden announces that his son, Beau, has died of brain cancer. Beau Biden was 46. 


CARACAS, Venezuela — Thousands don white and take to the streets in cities across Venezuela in the biggest show of frustration with the socialist administration since a wave of bloody anti-government protests a year ago. By Hannah Dreier. 

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