The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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Chris Fearne’s void at Mater Dei’s Paediatric Department to be filled

Duncan Barry Wednesday, 17 June 2015, 10:27 Last update: about 10 years ago

Parliamentary Secretary for Health Chris Fearne’s former role as paediatric surgeon is to be taken up by a consultant and an additional clinician, Mr Fearne’s secretariat said.

The secretariat was replying to questions put by this newsroom as to whether someone was filling in for Mr Fearne. 

Mr Fearne had left his medical profession at Mater Dei Hospital to take up his role as a member of Cabinet in March 2014.

“In the case of paediatric surgery, a consultant paediatric surgeon had temporarily replaced Mr Fearne for a period of one year. Now the immediate plan is to recruit a consultant and an additional clinician in the grade of resident specialist,” a secretariat spokesperson said.

Two weeks ago, Mr Fearne had said he will consult the Cabinet before agreeing to intervene in any cases which might require his expertise.

He was replying to a series of questions following the publication of the new, watered-down, Code of Ethics for Ministers, which allows Cabinet members to hold a second job, provided that it is deemed to be in the national interest.

The previous Code of Ethics prevented members of Cabinet from practicing their private profession whereas the new version gives Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries the opportunity to request Cabinet clearance to continue with their private practice "if this is in the national interest".

The new Code of Ethics was drawn up some 10 months ago but the Code was only published two weeks ago. Before the new Code of Ethics came into place, there were a number of controversies involving members of Cabinet whose continued practise of their profession conflicted with their government role.

"In April/May of 2014 I was able to hand over their care to my colleagues. Since then I have not practiced my medical profession,” Dr Fearne had said.

Search also on to replace outgoing paediatric gastroenterologist

This newsroom is also informed that Mr Thomas Attard - a paediatric gastroenterologist - will also be leaving his post. A number of parents whose children were being treated by Mr Attard expressed concern with this newsroom after they learnt that Mr Attard would be leaving the islands, his epertise being difficult to replace.

Asked whether Mr Attard will in fact be replaced, the secretariat said: “Recruitment towards the myriad of professional streams comprised within the Department of Health is an ongoing process – both to replace professionals who have retired or left their position to continue with their private practice, as well as to expand the service.

“Regarding paediatric gastroenterology, the department is taking steps to replace the clinician.”

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