The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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Marlene Farrugia requests more information on Pretty Bay pollution incident

Wednesday, 17 June 2015, 07:50 Last update: about 10 years ago

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia, in her capacity as chairman of Parliament’s environment committee, is seeking more information on what led to the pollution incident that resulted in the closing of Pretty Bay in Birzebbuga for a few days.

Last week, the bay was closed following an oil spill and until tests carried out verified that there was no danger to people swimming in the bay.

Today, Dr Farrugia has written to Malta Freeport, the union representing Freeport workers, the Civil Protection Department and the Birzebbuga local council to pass on a report on the incident to the parliamentary committee she presides.

Dr Farrugia said the committee wants to know what led to the incident, what kind of toxic material was released, how the Freeport is equipped to deal with such incidents and what kind of contingency plan exists is such incidents happen again. She also requests information on how the workers involved are to be compensated.


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