The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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‘Lost’ inquiry report on choking death at Karin Grech Hospital presented in court

John Cordina Thursday, 18 June 2015, 14:01 Last update: about 10 years ago

A file documenting the internal inquiry into the death of an elderly patient at Karin Grech Hospital who choked after being incorrectly given solid food, which was said to have gone missing, was submitted in court today.

The patient, 64-year-old John Darmanin, was found dead in the hospital toilets on 7 March, 2012, having choked on a piece of chicken despite instructions that he could only be given liquids and soft foods.

Chief nurse Maria Bondin, nurse David Sant and nursing aide Carol Bonnici were consequently charged with the involuntary homicide of Mr Darmanin, and all are pleading not guilty.

Former government chief medical officer Natasha Azzopardi Muscat had testified during the compilation of evidence against the three last month, and he had noted that an internal inquiry had been launched, and that she had instructed the board of inquiry appointed to keep her informed of its findings.

While she noted that some form of records should have been held at Karin Grech Hospital, she revealed that her initial searches failed to turn up anything.

Her testimony led the Health Department to issue a statement, in which it said that the file was in a secure place and that the department was ready to exhibit it in court if it was asked to do so.

In fact, Magistrate Ian Farrugia had already decreed that the report was to be found and exhibited by the next sitting. The file was duly exhibited in court today, in a sealed envelope.

The case continues.

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