The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Watch: Government, ICT firm Huawei sign MOU to test 5G in Malta; Sai Mizzi: ‘You finally found me’

Duncan Barry Tuesday, 14 July 2015, 15:31 Last update: about 10 years ago

The Maltese government signed a strategic agreement with China-based ICT global leader Huawei Technologies which will see 5G technology tested in Malta. A Huawei regional office was also inaugurated at SmartCity.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera, Malta business envoy to Asia Sai Mizzi and Edward Chan, the CEO of Huawei Italy were present for the signing.

Upon the results of such testing, the company will evaluate the possibility of establishing a Research and Development centre in Malta.

Huawei will be seeking a local partner while here in Malta to assist it in 5G testing. One of the advantages of 5G, once introduced, is that mobile users can man their appliances through the use of their cell phone, since capabilities would be enhanced through such technology.

Huawei employs as many as 170,000 employees, half of which are employed in the research and development sector which it believes is important for achieving future success.

Sai Mizzi says ‘don’t believe online reports about me’

Addressing those present, Mrs Mizzi joked: “You finally found me.”

She continued: “You may have read all sorts of things about me online, don’t believe them.

“I work for you and my commitment is to give Malta a voice inside Asia. I am thrilled to introduce Huawei to Malta,” she said.

Mrs Mizzi said that she would like to see the friendship between China and Malta continue to prosper. Such investments, she said, means new jobs for future generations.

Dr Herrera reaffirmed that Mrs Mizzi played a vital role in getting things off the ground in terms of this project. He said that talks kickstarted last year with Huawei.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that Malta is open for business and ready to test new frontiers.

“Our size is not an obstacle, results are being seen and felt in terms of our economy,” he added.

Dr Muscat said that he just returned from Brussels where European leaders were discussing a doom and gloom scenario of Greece leaving the eurozone.

He joked that on hearing how much profit Huawei makes annually, he thought to himself that it could have easily bailed out Greece.

He outlined a number of investments, including the agreement with Shanghai Electric Power and Siemens.

“What you are seeing here is just the beginning; investment is flowing in from India, the Gulf, Italy and more. I take pride in promoting my country and I urge my ministers and diplomats to spread the news that Malta is really open for business and to attract investors,” Dr Muscat said.


During a press briefing for journalists, Joseph Cuschieri – who is the executive chairman of the Lotteries and Gaming Authority but who was appointed by Parliamentary Secretary Jose Herrera as technical expert to help get things moving with Huawei - said that no 5G smart phone technology exists. This MOU is the start of a journey for Malta to be included in the ICT sphere which will see 5G technology tested here.

He explained that the Maltese delegation - which included Malta’s special envoy for China Sai Mizzi - held its first talks with Huawei in July 2014.

This technology is still in experimentation stage and Huawei are one of the leading corporations carrying out such testing.

Huawei will also support Malta in its digital strategy over the coming years, which includes the FTTH (fibre to the home) nationwide project and the laying of another submarine cable.

Asked if the Huawei’s involvement in fibre to the home would affect local operators, he said that the government would be working with the local private sector so as not to have duplicate investment.

“A strategy would be implemented which will deal with this situation,” he explained. “We aim to cover all localities with the fibre optic service,” he added.

Asked by this newsroom if, in the event a local operator is not found, whether Huawei will still go ahead with the testing, Mr Cuschieri replied in the affirmative.

Photos & Video: Jonathan Borg

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