The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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World news in one minute: Find out what happened around the world on 13 September

Associated Press Monday, 14 September 2015, 07:00 Last update: about 10 years ago


MEXICO CITY - At least 12 people were killed and 10 injured in Egypt's southwestern desert Sunday when armed forces mistakenly fired on a group of Mexican tourists, Egyptian officials said.


WASHINGTON - Donald Trump's Republican rivals are preparing for a critical televised debate this week by sharpening their attacks on the bombastic billionaire who has dominated the rollicking presidential primary contest. For all the Republican hopefuls, the CNN debate on Wednesday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California the last chance for several weeks to claim the national spotlight. Pope Francis is poised to eclipse national politics with his tour of the western hemisphere and Congress faces serious decisions about whether to fund or close the government. .


MIDDLETOWN, California - Two of California's fastest-burning wildfires in decades overtook several Northern California towns, destroying more than 180 homes and sending residents fleeing Sunday on highways lined with buildings, guardrails and cars still in flames. At least 100 homes were destroyed by a wildfire in Northern California's Lake County that raced through dry brush and exploded in size within hours, officials said Sunday. The devastation comes after a separate wildfire to the southeast destroyed at least 81 homes. 


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Voodoo chief Max Beauvoir has died in his homeland of Haiti, where the mixture of beliefs from West Africa and Catholicism is recognized as an official religion. He was 79.


HAVANA - Francis comes to a country where he's adored but most of his flock worships in ways unrecognizable to mainstream Catholics. Santeria blends traditional Catholicism and West African rituals such as animal sacrifice and ritual drumming. A photo essay exploring how religion is lived daily by most modern Cubans.

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