The Malta Independent 12 June 2024, Wednesday
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Damn lies and politics

Gejtu Vella Tuesday, 15 December 2015, 11:35 Last update: about 9 years ago

As the festive season fast approaches, people generally have more time on their hands to spend in coffee-shops and restaurants with family and friends. The topics discussed are many, with the occasional negative blanket statement thrown on local politics.

Although there is a portion of truth in this sentiment, this is neither fair nor correct.  Blanket statements should be avoided.  It is a small number of the whole lot that have tarnished the reputation of all politicians. One swallow does not make a summer.

If this were the case, Malta could have missed many important milestones over the passage of time. We could have missed the opportunity to join the EU and could have failed to weather worldwide inclement economic climate in the recent past.

The problem with power hungry politicians is their inability to bow out and make way when caught in a fix. On many instances, politicians caught in fixes find their superiors to stand up for them. Kicking a subordinate out for wrongdoing is very rare in the local political arena. The respective political party arm is too weak to exercise pressure on the leader of the party.

In the private sector, persons shouldering senior responsibilities are either sacked on the spot or asked to tender their resignation to save embarrassment when serious allegations arise. In the political arena, many hold on regardless. Only the honourable few elect to resign.

Unfortunately, a small group from the political class give a freehand to their aides, with the consequence that some resort to mischievous ideas to protect their own turf. The proper service to the community is not priority. Unfortunately, politicians are perceived as more associated with protecting those committing illegalities andirregularities than ensuring the common good. 

Rightly or wrongly, over a long span of years, we have got accustomed to this notion of politicians. And now society has learnt to live with this situation, as if this is normal, is to be expected and is acceptable.

This notion was not acquired overnight, nor was it earned by oversight. Politics, as a noble service to the community and its well-being has, over time deteriorated. Some politicians have contributed substantially towards this end. But looking on the bright side, there is an emerging leader who is a source of inspiration. Fingers crossed he will put promises into actions.

As this is the month associated with the exchange of Christmas greetings and wishes for a prosperous new year, I will not go down the lane where people were framed for political motives. I will only mention the notorious case of Pietru Pawl Busuttil. Pietru Pawl was the victim of malign investigations. He was accused of a political murder which had happened some days earlier in Gudja.  With straight faces and in black suits, political mercenaries exercised power which was not within their remit. On the contrary, they were duty-bound to stop such malicious actions.  There are other open national wounds that have not yet been solved.Although some of these cases have gone cold, society is still waiting to see the culprits brought to justice.

These were dreadful years of political turmoil.

This brings me to the suspension, the lifting of the suspension and the magisterial inquiry into the alleged misuse of fuel allocation by the chauffer of the Leader of the Opposition.  Incidentally, the issue surfaced immediately after the Opposition launched its working document ‘Restoring Trust in Politics’.

Dr Busuttil’s official car was impounded by the court pending the outcome of a magisterial inquiry. This led Dr Busuttil to suspend his chauffeur, Mr Anthony Tabone, on suspicion of misusing the fuel allocation. Later,  Speaker Dr Anglu Farrugia lifted the suspension on the basis that there was not enough evidence to warrant such draconian action against Mr Tabone.

Let me make my position crystal clear from the onset. Stealing, pilfering or misuse are not acceptable and should be stamped out. Public funds, taxpayers’ money, should not be squandered. But referring this issue to the police and a magisterial inquiry is similar to a ton of bricks falling on a busy ant.

I hardly know Mr. Tabone and I will not put a case for him. But whoever instigated this irresponsible course of action all out of proportion against Mr Tabone, is not fit for office. The only motive in this case is clearly political, in which Mr Tabone was dragged unnecessarily into. If anything, Mr Tabone is entitled to a fair hearing. Workers cannot be suspended from work unless there is at least a sound basis for this.

Severe disciplinary actions should be initiated against the person who masterminded this vile action. Having an employee suspended from work for the kicks of it is abuse of power and immoral. 

I have come to the conclusion that the action was against Dr Busuttil. The aim was to tarnish his political credibility. Mr Tabone was caught in the cross-fire between political opponents. Unfortunately for Mr Tabone, he and his family had to shoulder the brunt.

Such a dreadful action will continue to tarnish genuine people and discourage others from joining politics.


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