The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Watch: Impressive list of Hollywood A-listers join forces for anti-Donald Trump video

Friday, 23 September 2016, 15:42 Last update: about 9 years ago

An impressive list of famous Hollywood actors have joined forces to produce an anti-Donald Trump video as America heads for the polls this November.

The actors have banded together to remind Americans to vote and give them some pretty clear advice on which candidate to opt for.

The 3-minute video, part of an initiative called Save the Day, includes actors Robert Downey Junior, Scarlet Johansson, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Neil Patrick Harris, Cobie Smulder, Don Cheadle, Stanley Tucci, Martin Sheen, James Franco and several others.

“You only get this many famous people together if the issue is one that truly matters to all of us,” the famous faces say. “A disease or ecological crisis or a racist, abusive coward who could permanently damage the fabric of our society.”

The man behind the video, Joss Whedon, told BuzzFeed he did not find much trouble finding celebrities to publicly oppose Trump. "There is almost nobody that I wouldn’t approach to say, ‘If you can pitch in, do it now. It was pretty much the same spiel to everybody: ‘Doing a voting PSA to help get out the vote and stop orange Muppet Hitler.’”

The PSA points to website, which reads: “We are a short-form production company dedicated to the idea that voting is a necessary and heroic act. That every voice in this wonderfully diverse nation should, and must, be heard. That the only thing that can save democracy is the act that defines it. We are committed to fighting the apathy, cynicism, and honest confusion that keeps citizens from using their vote. And to reminding an increasingly out-of-touch and compromised set of representatives that they are answerable to the people they were hired to serve.”

The video has been viewed millions of times on Facebook. 

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