The Malta Independent 12 June 2024, Wednesday
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PL’s no comment on Panama Papers scandal book, written by former Labour candidate

Tuesday, 8 November 2016, 08:49 Last update: about 9 years ago

The Labour Party seems to be unfazed by the fact that a former Labour candidate has written a book on the Panama Papers scandal, which deals specifically with Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri’s secret companies and how the government acted in the fallout of what the author describes as the “biggest scandal to rock Maltese politics in recent years.”

The book was written by Mark Anthony Sammut, who contested the 1996 and the 1998 elections on the Malta Labour Party ticket. He is the son of the late writer Frans Sammut, who was an advisor to former Prime Minister Alfred Sant.

'L-Aqwa fl-Ewropa. Il-Panama Papers u l-Poter’ – which translates into ‘The best in Europe. The Panama Papers and Power’ – gives a detailed account of how the scandal unfolded, and essentially collects numerous news reports into one publication.

The author said the book “casts light on the Mossack Fonseca law firm in Panama and the reasons why the wealthy and the powerful ask this law firm to hide their wealth in secret companies in Panama. The book analyses the background to the scandal, the web of companies and contracts, and the reasons why Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri should have resigned their posts. It also analyses the neoliberal policies of Joseph Muscat's government.”

The Malta Independent sought a reaction from PL Deputy Leader Chris Cardona who, among other things is responsible for election candidates, and PL CEO Gino Cauchi. Both requested that we send our questions by email. This newspaper received a one-line reply from PL spokesman Nigel Vella saying that “we don’t have any comments on the book in question.”

Yesterday, Dr Sammut complained that the Public Broadcasting Service had not carried the news of the book launch. He said the national broadcaster was obliged to report seeing that the book was written by a former PL candidate and is the only book to analyse the Panama Papers scandal and how it affects the position of Minister Konrad Mizzi and OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri.

He noted how PBS had previously failed to report comments made by former PM Alfred Sant, who had famously stated that Konrad Mizzi should resign. 

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