The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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‘We need to give Donald Trump the chance to be President’ – President Coleiro Preca

Rachel Attard Thursday, 10 November 2016, 15:32 Last update: about 9 years ago

“We need to give Donald Trump the Chance to be President of America,” President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca told a group of sixth form girls studying at the City of London School for girls.

Replying to a question on the general election result in the United States, the President said that she shares the same view as that of Hillary Clinton, who said that Trump needs to be given a chance. Dr Coleiro Preca said that “this is a very sensitive time for America and the world and we need to wait and see what is going to happen.”


The President said that she hopes “Mr Trump changes his tactics and stop being racist in his comments. He needs to think of everybody. America is what it is today because of the amount of migration that it experienced during the years.” She said that “he was very short-sighted during his electoral campaign and wanted to be popular. Now let’s hope that he does help all the Americans.”

Brexit was another topic raised during the discussion, with the President saying that Brexit needs to be faced and successful decisions should be taken on time. Success can be achieved in various ways and the EU must think in a productive way rather than being managed by crisis. When there is a crisis it is very difficult to think rationally. 

Dr Coleiro Preca said that now that the British decided to leave the European Union, the EU should make sure to establish a strong relationship with them. She also said that another two areas that will be tackled during Malta’s EU Presidency are migration and terrorism. She said that we can’t allow our seas to become a cemetery every day.

Another student of Maltese origins asked her on about the morning after pill. The President, in her short reply, said that she did not want to enter into the scientific arguments and that the bill, “for me is a closed chapter”.

The effect of climate change on migration was another issue raised in the debate. She said that we should not fear migration but it is a healthy phenomenon because one can experience other cultures. “We should not be passive in front of migration but we need to have leadership skills so that we will be able to assist those in need and be sensitive to other cultures.”


The President was also asked how she feels during a United Nations meeting where there are only 18 women among 193 heads of state. She said that women need to fight more and never give up so that we get the same treatment as men. She said that “women should be very ambitious to bring about the much needed change and for society to have a holistic approach.”

Other topics that the students discussed with the President were about civil liberties in Malta and the message that the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society is sending.

The President was greeted by a two girls of Maltese descent and a physics teacher who has been teaching in this college for the past 7 years.

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