The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Church’s environment committee calls for ERA decision on LNG tanker to be made serenely

Sunday, 18 December 2016, 13:46 Last update: about 8 years ago

The church’s environmental committee (KA) has issued a statement calling for the Environment and Resources Authority to address each issue relating to the gas power station, and respond to them honestly and truthfully.

These comments were made in view of tomorrow’s public consultation to decide on whether an operational permit for the LNG tanker can be issued. The ERA will decide tomorrow on the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) application, including the operation of the power station with gas and the LNG Terminal.

In its main concerns, the committee noted how an issue that will decide on the generation of electricity in Malta was being turned into a political football.

 “Whenever this occurs, the discussion is contaminated by partisan interests and the strength of an argument is appreciated not for its validity but by the political allegiance of its proponent.

“The KA feels that, for the benefit of the whole nation, facts have to be made clear to all – nothing should remain concealed but, on the other hand, things should not be blown out of proportion.”

Any issues, doubts or areas for concern should be dealt with prior to any decisions being taken, the committee insisted.

 “The ERA has a duty of care of the quality of life of all citizens, particularly of the people living in the area, and cannot delegate to the applicant of the permit the wholesale responsibility of anything that may go wrong in the future,” it said.

It hoped that whatever was decided would help to improve everyone’s quality of life and contribute towards unity and not division in the country.


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