The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Simon Busuttil wants investigation into all Chris Cardona's expenditures abroad

Noel Grima Sunday, 18 December 2016, 11:08 Last update: about 8 years ago

Speaking in an interview on Radio 101, PN leader Simon Busuttil said there should be an investigation held on all expenses, including drink expenses, run up by PL Deputy Leader Minister Chris Cardona in his trips abroad.

This investigation must be carried out in view of the revelation by accident by the Auditor General that $765 were spent by the minister and his team during two days in Dubai, including the emptying of the whole drinks cupboard.

This should have led to the resignation of Dr Cardona, Dr Busuttil said, were it not because the prime minister is showing he is weak to control his deputy.

The sum spent is more than the minimum wage, more than the pensions many people receive in a month.

While Dr Cariona and his team drink up this amount of money, people who are due money by the government for their expenses have waited for more than two months to get what is due to them.

Dr Busuttil's next target was Minister Evarist Bartolo who is now lying low hoping that the uproar dies down. Mr Bartolo always portrayed himself as the man who did everything right, the man who said Konrad Mizzi should resign, and that there must not be a law for the chosen and a law for the animals.

It has now been revealed that his canvasser built in just one year a property in Rabat with six apartments, a penthouse, shops, garages and offices. Did Mr Bartolo know what his canvasser was doing? And was the prime minister told of this abuse at the same time Mr Bartolo was told?

But Dr Busuttil's main target was tomorrow's meeting of ERA which is being asked to give a permit to the gas power station. Dr Busuttil urged the ERA members to decide what is best for the entire people, not what Dr Muscat who appointed them wants them to do.

ERA has been given a very important task by the people and many members on its board deserve the highest respect - such as Chairman Prof. Victor Axiak who was the chairman of the Chuirch's Environment Commission, university Rector Prof. Alfred Vella who is also a professor of chemistry.

Dr Busuttil also mentioned the court protest lodged on Saturday by Engineer Arthuer Ciantar, who lives near the power station and who is thus most at risk if anything goes wrong with the gas tanker. The Court protest urges ERA not to decide on Monday because of incomplete information.

The ERA document speaks of deaths that are acceptable/ How many deaths are acceptable and how many deaths will you need to make it unacceptable?

The study also includes a desktop study on wave heights but real time checks were not carried out because of lack of time.

The jetty is not certified yet.

Dr Busuttil condemned the DOI statement issued on Saturday that criticised both Engineer Ciantar and Ann Fenech who was his lawyer.

Dr Busuttil also spoke of the warm welcome he is getting when he tours localities and speaks about the party's proposals for SMEs, The proposals are not jujst for retail outlets but also for small businesses.

Finally, Dr Busuttil spoke of the EPP congress to be held in Malta in March which will bring to Malta delegates from countries all over Europe, not just the EU, and such leaders as Chancellor Merkel, Spanish PM Rajoy, the French candidate Fillon, some 1500 delegates in all and a host of journalists. It will be an event that will overshadow the EU presidency, he said.



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