The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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INDEPTH: No 'Mickey Mouse' donations to PN during marathon – Ann Fenech

INDEPTH online Sunday, 18 December 2016, 09:01 Last update: about 8 years ago

None of the €417,000 collected by the PN during the latest fund-raising marathon held at Dar Centrali came from contractors, President of the PN Executive Anne Fenech said.

Interview by The Malta Independent Business and Contect director Pierre Portelli on on INDEPTH, The Malta Independent online programme, Dr Fenech said the cedoli scheme was a huge success and people are now starting to realise that the party financing can be made possible through these schemes. “We have set up a system which allows the PN to get financed without having to promise any favours”, she said.

She also insisted that no contractors donated money during the latest marathon.

“We have the means to finance the party in a clean way. We did this scheme because we don’t want someone who donated €10,000 to tell us that he wants a contract or a favour. We would be in a position to tell them that they are getting their interest at 4% rate and that’s it.”

Asked if the PN is financially equipped to campaign for the next election, Dr Fenech said that the public believes that for the country to be back on track, the PN needs to be back in government. She said that the PN campaign will not have as much funds as the Labour Party. “Just look at how much the Labour Party spent in the last campaign,” she added.


Despite all this, Anne Fenech is convinced that the Nationalist Party is able to win the next general election. 


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