The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Cultural appreciation of the Maltese Islands

Tuesday, 7 March 2017, 09:23 Last update: about 8 years ago

HoASA (The History of Art and Fine Arts' Students Association) and FAA Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar, with the support of the Department of History of Art - University of Malta, have come together to present the symposium titled Maltese national heritage at risk. This event aims at bringing awareness to students, academics, the general public and the media about the lack of cultural appreciation in the Maltese Islands while also assessing its value. There will be four speakers, including three academics (University of Malta, University of San Diego, USA) who will be discussing the four themes namely:

1. Architectural preservation (speaker: Professor Conrad Thake),

2. Assessment of the importance given to modern and contemporary works of art in Malta (Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci),

3. The economic value of artistic heritage (Professor Andrew Narwold), and

4. Neglect of works of art in the Maltese Islands (Giulia Privitelli and HoASA)

This will be followed by an open-mic debate where anyone present may voice his opinions and a reception.

The symposium will be held on Wednesday, 8 March at the Orpheum Theatre, Gzira at 6pm.

The price is €3 for students and €5 for the general public and may be booked through For further information visit the HoASA Facebook page or contact FAA on 2010 6428, Early booking is highly recommended as there is limited seating available.

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