The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Watch: Joseph Muscat to fill gap left by Marlene Farrugia on 5th district for PL

Julian Bonnici Tuesday, 2 May 2017, 19:27 Last update: about 8 years ago

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will be running on the fifth district in the upcoming election, the PL leader announced at a mass rally in Zurrieq. 

PD Leader Marlene Farrugia, who will appear on the PN ticket, was previously elected as a Labour MP in the district with 2,525 first count votes back in 2013. 

EU Commissioner Karmenu Vella also used to contest in the district, where he held strong support, garnering 5231 first count votes in the last election.

The mass rally saw hundreds turn up in strong support of their Leader, who is facing serious allegations concerning corruption in the highest level of his administration.

He began by thanking the ferocious support his followers gave him fifty months ago in the previous general election.

"I asked you to put your support in me,few believed in our dream, but today there is little doubt that Malta really is the best in Europe."

"We are in the middle of our journey and there is more work to be done, the Taghna Ilkoll project is not ready, and with your strength we can progress more"

"Every house in Malta can feel this progress, in spite of an Opposition who represents the establishment, who try to divide us."

He said that the population will remain together, and appealed to the crowd to make the correct choice on 3 June and allow the country to continue moving forward.

"This is the same opposition that four years ago had the worst deficit and debt in history, had out of stock medicine, kept the Marsa power station, and gave you high bills." he said "Now they are in a coalition of confusion"

The current economic success, along with the accomplishment of no longer using heavy fuel oil, was the centre point to the mass rally, with Dr Muscat telling the crowd that prior to 2013's general election no one thought it would be possible for the government to reduce debt and increase benefits and civil liberties at the same time.

"We now have a surplus, and we are using the money to help those who need it most" he said while referencing the increase in pensions, free childcare to working parents, and the increase in minimum wage.

Dr Muscat went on to say, to arduos applause, that his government "had made mistakes but learned", but still did not directly reference the Panama papers or any of the allegations currently plaguing his administration.

The PL Leader then pointed to the five priorities he outlined in a earlier press conference as a clear indication of his government's intent to succeed and create an equal society. 

Following criticism from MEA concerning his proposal to ensure that public holidays which fall on a weekend be returned to employees during the work week, the Prime Minister said that it will be implemented over time and will involve discussions with all stakeholders.

"We will ensure that no business loses any competitiveness," he said

The Prime Minister also referenced his proposal which will see the government embark on a €700 million project to resurface all of Malta and Gozo's roads; his tax reduction proposal; intentions to extend a first-time buyers style scheme to the middle class.

He closed by telling the energised crowd that "even though forces are trying to drop this government and halt our progress, they will not manage, and will strengthen this movement." 

Video: Baskal Mallia


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