The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Prime Minister won’t say whether he would retain Schembri, Mizzi by his side

Neil Camilleri Wednesday, 3 May 2017, 22:00 Last update: about 8 years ago

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat this evening would not say whether he would keep Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri by his side should he win the general election.

The PM has been heavily criticized for giving Mizzi and Schembri a slap on the wrist after the Panama Papers revealed that they had opened companies in the secretive jurisdiction. The crisis eventually led to the calling of a snap election after it was revealed that the PM's wife was the beneficiary of a third company opened in Panama, an allegation the PM refutes.

Speaking on Dissett, Dr Muscat insisted that he had he had taken action against the former energy minister. “I could have gained, personally, from sacking Mizzi, but the country needed the investment in the energy sector.  I took away his portfolio, kept him under my responsibility, and he delivered.”

Pressed by presenter Reno Bugeja to say whether Mizzi will have a place in a new cabinet, Muscat said Mizzi would have first to be elected. “I will take into consideration everything that is happening and take my decision accordingly.”

He also stated that if the slightest shred of proof emerged showing that Keith Schembri, a friend and close collaborator, took kickbacks (as alleged by Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil), his chief of staff would have “to shoulder the responsibility and go.” 

When the presenter pointed out that the PM had retained Schembri for an entire year after the Panama Papers, Dr Busuttil replied by saying that Dr Busuttil had also retained Beppe Fenech Adami, who was “involved in a company with links to money laundering and drug money.”

Asked if he would be keeping Mr Schembri by his side in another term in office, the PM said he was only focused on the election right now. “I will take these decisions if and when the electorate places its trust in me again.”

He insisted that he and Keith Schembri are friends and have no obligations towards each other.

The PM insisted that it would have been better for him to call an election after the inquiry (into the Egrant claims) is concluded. “I would have scored a big goal against the Opposition Leader, but the delay would have put the economy at risk, so I did not do that. He insisted that the uncertainty had even affected sales.”

The inquiry, he said, would prove his, and his wife’s innocence. The PM insisted that he had full confidence in the Police Commissioner and in all institutions.

He said that, should the allegations turn out to be untrue, Simon Busuttil would have to resign, whether he is Prime Minister or Leader of the Opposition. “He will also have to make a public apology for this massive lie.”

Dr Muscat said that if people choose him he will create more jobs and wealth and distribute it equally. “If they choose Busuttil, I will get out of the picture.”

Asked if he would appoint another massive cabinet, the PM said that would depend on the priorities, which include social housing, agriculture and the social sector.

Dr Muscat said a new PL government would again deliver on its promises. Reminded that the government failed on its promises of good governance, Muscat pointed out that the PL had removed timer barring on cases involving politicians and introduced the Whistleblower Act.

He said three days into the electoral campaign, the Opposition was still speaking about suspicions, while he was saying he would upgrade all of Malta’s roads, reduce taxes and giving workers their public holidays back.

He insisted that the PL was only promising tax cuts because the economy was strong. “Our proposals are costed and proposals that we can afford.”

Dr Muscat said the PN had not yet presented a single proposal, whereas the PL would be announcing another round of proposals in the coming days.

He said he was in contact with Godfrey Farrugia, who resigned as PL whip and said he will not contest again with the PL. Dr Muscat said Farrugia was an open person who always spoke his mind and should be meeting him in the coming days.

He insisted that his decision to contest the 5th district had nothing to do with Marlene Farrugia. Asked whether he would accept her challenge to a debate in the Zurrieq square, Dr Muscat said his rival was the Opposition Leader. “If they are saying that Marlene Farrugia is the Opposition Leader then I will debate her. They have to decide who is leading, and I will debate that person.”

On the ongoing recruitment in the public sector, he said the government was doing the exact same thing the last PN administration did in 2013.

Asked whether he had asked OLAF (the EU’s anti-fraud agency) to investigate allegations that the PN MEP’s were using EU funds to finance their own party, Dr Muscat said OLAF “has its eyes and ears” and that his job was to “uncover the Opposition’s political hypocrisy.”

Asked if he would be giving a post-election amnesty to prisoners, Dr Muscat said the subject was not on his mind and he had not discussed it.

He insisted that, should he lose the election, he would resign as Labour leader. 

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