The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Watch: ‘Joseph Muscat can pledge a lot of things, but not honesty and trust ’ – Simon Busuttil

Joanna Demarco Thursday, 4 May 2017, 18:41 Last update: about 8 years ago

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat can pledge a lot of things, but he cannot pledge honesty and trust, according to Leader of the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil, making reference to this evening's Magistrate declaration.

Dr Simon Busuttil, on the fourth anniversary of his position as leader of the Nationalist Party, was addressing a bustling political activity in Santa Venera this evening as part of the party's electoral campaign, titled 'I Choose Malta'. People crowded around the tent, as others watched the event from the comfort of their own balconies.

PN Sta Venera 2 from The Malta Independent on Vimeo.

Earlier this evening, Dr Busuttil made an announcement on national television saying that Magistrate Aaron Bugeja has ruled that there is enough evidence to warrant a criminal investigation into the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff Keith Schembri, and the PM's consultant, Nexia BT Owner Brian Tonna. Dr Busuttil believes that the Prime Minister is guilty by association since his chief of staff, 'his right hand man', is involved with such "serious claims".

"The money from three Russians went to Brian Tonna's company in the British Virgin Islands," he said, explaining that from this company two payments of €50,000 were "put into Keith Schembri's bank account in Pilatus Bank." "Today the Magistrate sent me the decision he made and his decision was that the feels there is enough proof to open a criminal investigation against Brian Tonna and Keith Schembri,"Dr Busuttil announced. This statement was received by a standing ovation. 

"Despite all the pledges Joseph Muscat is going to come up with in the electoral campaign, he cannot promise honesty, integrity and trust" he said, stating that the declaration proves further that whilst PM Joseph Muscat "went around the world selling passports as a salesman, his chief of staff was taking commissions." 

Continuing referring to Dr Muscat's pledges of this electoral campaign, he negated his statements that "the economy will go backwards under the Nationalist Government". "How can it be?" Dr Busuttil asked the crowd, "did we ever have a Nationalist Party where the economy was not good?".

Claudio Grech, Shadow Minister for the Economy, said the Nationalist Party is prepared for the elections. Speaking about the economy, which has been hailed by the Labour Government, He said that the economy did not grow in the past four years, but with the foundations from before it. He went on to say that in the past four years, despite what "Dr Muscat says about the economy," no new sector was really created. He said that the economy has grown because of financial sectors, like gaming and technological companies, which were initiated by the Nationalist Party. He said that the only sector that the Labour Government has created is that of selling "our identity," referring to the citizenship scheme. 

Speaking at the event, Mario De Marco, Deputy Leader of the Nationalist Party said that throughout history, each election has presented itself as a choice of different factors. He gave the example of whether Malta was to remain a colony or independent, another time, part of the European Union or not. On 3 June we have another important choice, he said, stating it is between "corruption and Malta." He questioned the Labour Party Slogan 'The Best Time For our Country,' stating that it is the best time, rather, for the Prime Minister and "those who have companies in Panama."  

Other Nationalist Party candidates who spoke were Justin Schembri, Liam Sciberras, Edward Torpiano, and Paula Mifsud Bonnici. 

This was the third day of the campaign for the upcoming general election, a snap election on the 3 June called by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat last Monday. The election is taking place a year before the legislature was meant to end. 

Photos & videos: Paul Jones

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