The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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Watch: Every vote will make a difference, Simon Busuttil says

Julian Bonnici Sunday, 14 May 2017, 17:23 Last update: about 8 years ago

Leader of the Opposition and the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil called on each and every voter to collect their voting document which will enable them to vote on 3 June.

Every vote will make a difference, Simon Busuttil said when addressing a mass meeting in Zebbug. The meeting was also addressed by former Labour Minister, MP, whip and mayor Godfrey Farrugia, who resigned from the party on Saturday to join Partit Demokratiku, which formed a coalition with the PN.

Photos:  Michael Camilleri  Video: Baskal Mallia

Malta is calling on every Maltese in a crucial moment of history. At this time "I call on you to bring the Maltese flag with you, we do not sell our country, we do not take commissions on our country." 

Dr Busuttil said that the Labour Party had leaders in the past with whom the PN was not in agreement on many things but all of them put the interests of Malta first. But Joseph Muscat is different, because he put his interests first.

Dr Busuttil then pointed towards the 30th anniversary of the 1987 elections, as another time when Malta had to fight for its freedom.

“We were led by Eddie Fenech Adami who always put the country first. Today we have Joseph Muscat, who instead of putting Malta first, he put his and his clique’s interests first.”

Dr Busuttil described Dr Godfrey Farrugia as a person who led by example, who understood that to champion decency and good governance, you did not have to be a Nationalist or a Labourite.

He also appealed to Labour Party supporters to take their country’s interest at heart on 3 June.

“On election day your country needs you. On 3 June we are not red,blue, green or orange, we are Maltese!"

Dr Busuttil then spoke to those who may feel that corruption is acceptable as long the economy was performing.

“To those i say that corruption is a disease that will the country, Gozitans and Maltese alike, including you!"

He said that the whole world was watching this election, and wondering whether Malta would choose corruption or a better  future.

“To those who may be hurt by the previous administration’s failings, we understand our mistake and that we could have done more. I assure that we have learned and these mistakes will not be repeated. We will be there for you, the PN is now the party of the people”

Dr Busuttil said that the Labour Party’s campaign is built on lies.

“It is a lie when says that we are going to force LSAs to work. We will pay you for the work and not take commissions like the GWU”

“It is a lie that we will remove hunting. There is a referendum and we will respect it.”

“It is a lie that we will make the police part-time, because under us the police will get the respect they deserve.”

“It is a lie that we will remove iVF, we were the party who introduced it. He even wants to try fool and abuse of these vulnerable families”

“It is a lie that we will remove gay rights, we will respect the rights of everyone, in fact we will increase them.”

“How can the economy not remain strong when we built the foundations? Gow can they say we increase taxes when we reduced them? How can they say that we will increase electricity and bills, when we are going to buy it for cheaper from the interconnected we built?"

Every vote counts, he said, and everybody should make sure to collect the document needed to vote.

Dr Busuttil then made reference to the PN's personalised manifesto for Gozo containing 100 proposals in 16 different areas. He also announced proposals on social housing and pensions.

"We have an AG that does not want to do anything, a Police Commissioner that does not want to do anything. It is why we need you on 3 June. It is the only way to uncover all the dirt of Joseph Muscat’s government!”

He called on the applauding crowd “to speak to people, convince them that on 3 June that the future of Malta is on our shoulders!”

“If we win this together, there is nothing we cannot do!"

“We will say ‘Yes’ to this country, because the choice is clear it is either Joseph Muscat and his corrupt clique or Malta."

With thousands in attendance, former Labour Whip and Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia took to the stand, telling the crowd he was honoured to speak at his first mass meeting in his home town.

“This is the city of patriots, that city that was never scared of everyone.”

He went on to say that in his time as Mayor of Haz Zebbug, the local council showed what could be achieved when people raised above partisanship.

“I will do the same for my country. We will end partisan politics, we will work together, shoulder by shoulder for the county."

Dr Farrugia, who resigned from the PL to join his partner Marlene Farrugia on the Partit Demokratiku ticket, said that in his resignation letter he said that the Labour Party had lost its soul. 

“I tried to improve the situation, to help achieve on the promise of good governance. But when you see the quality and dignity of life in danger you need to stand up and defend what you believe in. That is a real soldier of steel!"

He went on to criticise the sexism PD Leader Marlene Farrugia experienced after he registered with his partner’s party.

“These comments are clear evidence that the Labour Party that is contesting today is fake.”

In Dr Busuttil, he said, both Marlene Farrugia and himself found a leader who agrees that the best form of politics is that of consensus.

“In the last election I worked in favour of the Labour Party, as I believe we were going to move the country forward and in the right direction. I did not change my ideals, it was the Leader of the Labour Party who did !"

He said that he will remain what he is - the torch of honesty, adding that everything possible should be made to remove Labour from government. The torch is Labour's symbol.

Turning to Labour supporters, he said that Forza Nazzjonali would welcome them.

“There is nothing to be scared of. The only thing to be scared of is the Labour government. Corruption will only have consequences of the future of our children.”

He closed by telling the enthusiastic crowd that on 3 June the population would choose Malta.

Nationalist Party deputy leader Mario de Marco took the crowd back to the 1980s, saying that the crisis Malta is experiencing today is similar to the one it went through three decades ago.

"We are not here because they were blue, red, green or orange but because we are Maltese and wanted the best for their country."

He recalled the 1987 general election, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this week, to thunderous applause; telling the audience saying that the democracy that was fought so hard for was under attack.

At the time, the PN had as its slogan “work, justice and freedom”, ideals the PN still endorsed today. Today, there is a total collapse of the institutions which are supposed to be there to defend the people.

He said that Dr Muscat fooled the nation when he promised meritocracy and transparency in the previous general election.

“He only wanted to serve himself and not the nation.”

He went on to say that in the space of four years and five commissioners the police corps no longer served the interests of the many but rather of the few.

Speaking to the police corps directly, Dr de Marco said that he understood that there are many officers who want to do their work but are tied by the incompetence of the police commissioner.

Dr de Marco then called on all Labour supporters, who like Godfrey Farrugia, no longer recognised their party. 

“Those who feel that Muscat betrayed the values of the Labour party, join us in this fight to protect our principles, to clean our name, for Malta as a democracy."

Use the vote to bring about the necessary change that the country needs, Dr de Marco said. It is a crucial time for Malta; it is not a fight between leaders and proposals, but it is a fight for the country to return to normality.

Turning to the financial services sector, the Deputy Leader said that Panama Papers scandal is destroying the country’s reputation internationally. 

“Who will invest in Malta when the Prime Minister is under a criminal investigation, when those around him are more interested in their Panamanian account”

“I will tell you myself that Konrad Mizzi did not open an account by mistake, that your chief of staff did not open it his accounts by mistake."

“Konrad Mizzi used to shout shame on you, and now he is ashamed to show his face!”

Leader of the Opposition and the Nationalist Party Simon Busuttil is to address a mass meeting on Vjal il-Helsien in Haz-Zebbug.

Former Labour Whip Godfrey Farrugia, who announced that he would be contesting under the PD ticket following his resignation from PL, is also speaking at the event.

This week, Dr Busuttil presented a personalised manifesto for Gozo containing 100 proposals in 16 different areas. He also announced proposals on social housing and pensions.


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