The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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EU Parliament schedules debate on Malta for 14 June

Thursday, 18 May 2017, 16:59 Last update: about 8 years ago

The European Parliament has scheduled the debate on Malta and the rule of law, following the Panama Papers revelations, for 14 June.

The EU Parliament's Conference of Presidents, which comprises of one representative from each Parliamentary Group, had discussed the possibility of holding a debate about Malta following the latest allegations regarding people surrounding Malta's Prime Minister. They originally considered holding the debate prior to Malta's election, however now seem to have settled on 14 June

According to the draft agenda, the debate titled "Council and Commission statements - Panama Papers follow-up and the rule of law in Malta," will take place after 3 pm then day.

A source speaking with this newsroom explained that the Commission and Council will first make a statement on the topic, and then the floor will open up to MEPs present.

The well informed EU Parliament source told this newsroom that the reason for this debate is not directly the financial services sector, but would rather be on political accountability and the rule of law.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had previously been summoned by the PANA committee and Greens Party for questioning in Brussels which was meant to take place today. The Prime Minister however, has thus far refused to go until the Magisterial Inquiry into allegations that his wife owns Egrant conclude.



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