The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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INDEPTH: If I become PN leader I will sell all my business shares and partnerships - Adrian Delia

INDEPTH online Friday, 30 June 2017, 09:40 Last update: about 8 years ago

“If I become leader of the Nationalist Party I will sell all my business shares and partnerships,” PN leadership contender Adrian Delia said.

Interviewed on INDEPTH by the Malta Independent news editor Rachel Attard, Delia emphasised that he will not be involved in any commercial activity if he is elected party leader.

Delia categorically said that he will "sell the shares which I bought during the years and will resign from the partnerships I am involved in".


Last Saturday Delia, a lawyer and an outsider to the political sphere, confirmed that he will be contesting the PN leadership race in September. 

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