The Malta Independent 6 June 2024, Thursday
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Delia does not recognise bank account number in Caruana Galizia allegations

Julian Bonnici Friday, 25 August 2017, 08:51 Last update: about 8 years ago

Nationalist Party leadership contender Adrian Delia has insisted that he does not recognise the bank account number present on the documents published by journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, who has alleged that Delia has laundered £1 million from prostitution in London through a Barclay’s International account registered under his name.

Speaking to The Malta Independent in an interview, that will be published in this Sunday’s edition, Delia said that he could not be certain whether the documents were authentic and that he needs to examine the original document before he draws a conclusion.


“There is no signature of mine anywhere and I do not recognise the account number.I have never received, or been in receipt of documentation to show me this alleged transaction.”

Yesterday, Delia filed a libel suit against Caruana Galizia were he claimed that she was being “journalistically dishonest” in an attempt to tarnish his reputation when addressing the media.

Delia requested the court registry open urgently to allow him to file his libel case at 1 am. However, at 5am, Magistrate Marse-Ann Farrugia turned down the request. The application was filed later during regular opening hours.

He insisted that he was determined in establishing the truth, and called on Caruana Galizia, or anybody else who had similar allegations, to bring the original documentation to the table, in the presence of third parties to ascertain the exact role in the claims.

He went on to say that even if the documents were original, they have nothing to do with him personally.

“It is certain that this is not a personal transaction of Adrian Delia; the only possibility and recollection that I might have is that it may involve a past client.”

When questioned as to whether he is aware of the source of any funds which are facilitated through him, Delia said that he could not know the exact details of a client’s activities.

“I only know where I am involved; and I can guarantee that I was never ever involved in anything remotely linked to prostitution, or to money from prostitution, ever.”

He was also asked whether he felt that there was an ethical and moral responsibility to be completely aware of his client’s actions.

“You are making the presumption that at a certain point in time I knew about something and that I did not do my duty at law. Absolutely not, this is not the case, and that seems to be the allegation being put forward,” Delia said.

Attributing the allegations, including previous claims, to spin, Delia said that it appeared that the publishing methods of Caruana Galizia seemed “more like an entrapment strategy rather than a search for the truth.”

“The impression that is being given is that I am dealing with prostitution, that I am involved with prostitution. That I am the ring leader in some sort of prostitution gang or circle. It is shameful, it is preposterous, and it is absolutely not the truth.”

Pressed as to whether he believed any of the other three PN leadership candidates (Chris Said, Alex Perici Calascione and Frank Portelli), the Nationalist Party or the Labour Party were behind the allegations after indicating at a press conference that someone is behind her ‘agenda’, Delia said that he does not “base anything on speculation, unlike others; if there are facts, I base my decision on facts.”

“What I definitely know is that up to now none of the candidates have gone out to condemn this evident attack on my integrity days before the election, which is clearly aimed at keeping me out from a position.”

Portelli would later announce his support for Delia during the PN Leaders Debate on Net TV.

“My truth, the real truth, is that this was used to derail anything else I wanted to say. The scope of what is happening is that the real message that I am putting forward which involves proposals, ideas, and a vision, is being completely obscured.”

Referring to the libel suit he filed yesterday, Delia said that he was not “ breaking the law, someone else is.”

It seems to me that the articles are being published stylistically and premeditatedly, in order to raise suspicions and create speculation. If this was not the case, she would sit down and discuss it me.

When asked about the similarities to the allegations made against the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle Muscat, which claimed that the former was the UBO of the infamous Egrant account. Delia admitted that “stylistically there was a pattern,” however, he insisted that the real story was not the Egrant allegations itself but the people who had the authority to investigate, such as the Police and the Attorney General’s Office,  and failed to do so.”



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