The Malta Independent 4 June 2024, Tuesday
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Broadway Gold by the St. Paul Chamber Ensemble

Wednesday, 2 May 2018, 12:44 Last update: about 7 years ago

Lydia Buttigieg

On Sunday 8 April, the St. Paul Chamber Ensemble, under the direction of HE Chev Mro Mark Agius had another successful concert held at the Catholic Institute, Floriana, this time with a repertoire taken entirely from Broadway musicals. The orchestra, which not only comprises seasoned and up-coming Maltese musicians but also well-established local, talented singers, is fast making a name for itself as one of Malta's foremost musical ensembles. The concert was organized by Fondazzjoni U with proceeds going in aid of the Ursuline Creche, the Karl Vella Foundation and missions in Albania and Kenya.


The singers who participated in this performance were sopranos Karen Gatt Darmenia and Anita Vella Bondin,  mezzo-soprano Vanessa Magro, tenor Charles Vincenti, baritone Ivan Vella and bass James Vella Bondin. Three guest artists who were invited to participate were Lawrence Gray, Sharon Ward and mezzo-soprano Marie Therese Vassallo. Also participating was the Stagecoach Malta Children's choir, under the direction of Ms Abigail Brown. The singers not only had the opportunity to showcase their artistic talents but also demonstrated their outstanding technique and interpretations through their individual solos and as an ensemble.

On the other hand, the orchestra was in its usual top form, constantly focused on the conductor for every detail. The 45-strong orchestra supported the singers and children's choir with assurance and confidence which delighted the well-attended audience, providing a high calibre performance that one has come to expect from the St. Paul Chamber Ensemble.

The compere for the evening was none other than the incomparable illusionist Vanni Pule, who demonstrated some outstanding magic which left the audience amazed. His exceptional talent as a magician served as a brief interlude for the audience as he introduced the respective numbers.

The first half of the programme opened with a short medley taken from the Phantom of the Opera, sung by soprano Anita Vella Bondin, tenor Charles Vincenti and bass James Vella Bondin. This was followed by two much loved musicals by the younger generation - Tale as Old as Time from the musical Beauty and the Beast, sung by Dame Marie Therese Vassallo, and Pocahontas - Colours of the Wind, sung by Karen Gatt Darmenia. 

The Malta Stage Coach Choir and Sharon Ward took the stage to perform Oh Happy Days from Sister Act. Mezzo-soprano Vanessa Magro performed God help the Outcasts from Hunchback of Notre Dame, followed by a short medley from Annie, a lovely duet sung by Ivan Vella and Karen Gatt Darmenia. The last three arias before the short intermission were performed by Anita Vella Bondin, the well-known song Memory from Cats. Lawrence Gray took the stage to sing Till I hear you Sing from Phantom of the Opera, followed by the challenging aria Hell Fire from Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In the second half of the programme, Dame Marie Therese Vassallo sung one of the most favourite arias I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables, followed by Love Never Dies from the sequel of the Phantom of the Opera, performed by Anita Vella Bondin. From Les Mes, Ivan Vella sung a slow lyrical song called Stars,

For the final part, the orchestra and singers prepared some well-known arias which left the audience moving in their seats. If I were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof was superbly sung by James Vella Bondin, followed by My Favourite Things from the favourite musical Sound of Music, sung by Anita Vella Bondin. A livelier aria called I Could have Danced all Night from My Fair Lady left the audience tapping their toes, sung by Karen Gatt Darmenia. The Malta Stage Coach Choir took the stage again to perform the all-time medley Mamma Mia. 

The concert was brought to an end with the choir and Sharon Ward performing I Will Follow Him, from Sister Act, as an encore, bring the appreciative audience to its feet in a merited standing ovation for all the singers, choir and orchestra. 

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