The Malta Independent 7 June 2024, Friday
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Huge disappointment for local and foreign drag racing fans

Friday, 4 May 2018, 14:00 Last update: about 7 years ago

For all those who follow Drag Racing and Simon Giordmaina and Franklyn Borg had a very disappointing weekend last week. This weekend was a very expected one as it should have been the weekend of the First Round on the Europaen FIM Championship. The disappointment is due to the fact that the company that Borg and Giordmaina entrusted with the transportation of their Hyabusa Racing Bike and its parts did not transport the motorcycle as promised.

The motorcycle had to arrive at its destination in Italy on Monday 23 April from where it would start another voyage to Hungary. After days of uncertainty about the wherabouts of the motorcycle on Thursday 26 April it was confirmed to the team that it was still in the warehouse of the Maltese Logistics company. The plan was that on Saturday the bike would be inspected by Race Scrutineers so on Sunday the team would take part in the official races of the first round of the championship, after last year the team finished in third place. 

The determination of Simon, Franklyn and their friends made them find alternative ways to get the bike to Hungary in time for qualifications, within a restricted time and at much higher costs, although they were sure that there would be little or no time for preparation. Several options were considered but the only one that appeared possible was the most difficult one, which meant acquiring a van, load the motorcycle and all its parts, catching the first available ship that was only available on Saturday 28th and embark on a seven-hours sea crossing and a twenty seven hours drive to Hungary. Simon had to leave ahead of his team during this undesirable adventure as he was also responsible for the setting up and tuning of two other motorcycles, one of a German team and another of an Italian team.

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