The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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TMID Editorial: Environment and traffic - Resolutions for 2019

Monday, 31 December 2018, 10:13 Last update: about 6 years ago

The last days of a year are a time for setting goals for the following one – the New Year’s resolutions. Over the past few days we asked a number of politicians and local personalities to state what their New Year’s resolutions are. All of them were interesting.

But perhaps the most interesting resolutions came from the Bicycle Advocacy Group, which has urged all motorists to drive less, spend less on fuel and do more exercise.

While the Maltese Islands continue to prosper economically and financially, one cannot ignore the continuous stream of worrying reports related to the environment and personal well-being. Week after week we read reports on the increase in obesity and poor physical health of our population,” the group said.

“One cannot ignore the reports of bad air quality, continuous increase in the number of cars on our roads and, notwithstanding the current road widening projects for private cars, the ever-present traffic congestion that has now extended from our arterial roads right into the narrow residential areas of our towns, thus bringing traffic-related pollution nearer to our homes.”

Calling for a culture change, the group proposed three resolutions for the Maltese community in 2019.

The first is to reduce the number of kilometres commuted by car by 15 km per week per driver, and instead replace them with walking and cycling trips.

The second proposal is to reduce our car fuel expenses by €10 per month, by walking and cycling to some of our destinations.

The third proposal is to increase our level of exercise by doing some trips on foot or by bicycle instead of by car.

Fewer cars mean fewer emissions and less noise pollution, plus more free space in our roads that can be transformed to open spaces where we can meet and socialize, the group said.

We wish here to add our own proposed resolutions for a better lifestyle and environment.

In 2019, let us carpool instead of driving to and from work alone.

Let’s consider going greener and, if you’re thinking of changing your car, consider an electric vehicle, or at least a hybrid.

Let us not litter in the countryside and near the seaside. Let us all take part in at least one clean up in 2019. Let’s all pick up the habit of picking up three or more pieces of litter when we go to the beach.

Let’s follow the rules when it comes to taking out the trash, following the correct dates and times, and not putting the bags out from two days before, like some people do.

Let’s ban the use of confetti in village feasts and other activities.

And let us truly cut down on single-use plastics.

Yes, it is more convenient to use disposables at your New Year’s Eve party, but do consider the effect this is having on our environment, on wildlife and ultimately, on our own wellbeing. 

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