The Malta Independent 11 June 2024, Tuesday
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PN’s pensioners’ branch calls for stop to social media bickering

Wednesday, 5 June 2019, 12:23 Last update: about 6 years ago

The Nationalist Party’s pensioners’ branch has called for a stop to bickering on the social media which is causing harm to the party.

Problems the party is facing should be discussed internally, and not via the social media, the branch (APAN) said in a statement.

It is only in this way that the party could reunite and become a credible opposition.

Malta, APAN said, needs a strong and valid opposition to fight a government which has been involved in many scandals since it took over in 2013. In its 140-year history, the party always put Malta’s interests at the forefront and it is now the duty of the party to regain the people’s confidence.

This can only be done by pulling the same rope, APAN said.


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