The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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FAA and Ramblers call for resignation of Planning Commission chairperson Elizabeth Ellul

Giulia Magri Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 13:42 Last update: about 6 years ago

Two environment NGO’s, Flimkien ghal Ambjent Ahjar (FAA) and Ramblers Association, have called for the resignation of the chairperson of the PA’s Planning Commission (ODZ), Elizabeth Ellul, as well as for the setting up of a separate chapter in the Constitution which deals solely on the protection of heritage and the environment.

“The Iz-Zejjed Kollu Zejjed protest was not our last one and people are fed up and are rebelling against the construction taking place on the island,” said FAA coordinator Astrid Vella.


She explained that people are not saying that there should not be any form of development, but the way things are being done is causing a number of physical and mental problems. There is a higher rate of children suffering from asthma, and more noise and air pollution is affecting the quality of life of the Maltese and Gozitans.

Vella said that FAA is requesting a separate chapter to be added to the Constitution, specifically dealing with the protection of Malta’s heritage, environment and historical landscapes.

Ingram Bondin from the Ramblers Association said that the authority is ignoring its duty to safeguard the environment and heritage. He said that Ellul, who is also a member on the Planning Authority Board, “has a duty to follow the constitution and the objectives of the authority, but failed completely in safeguarding our country.”

Elizabeth Ellul (left), and PA Chairman Vince Cassar 

As a result, FAA and Ramblers Association are calling for her resignation. He explained that Ellul had written the rural policy and guidelines which allow development in ODZ. When such guidelines came out in 2014 for a public consultation, the majority of NGO’s participated in the public consultation exercise and provided their output, he added.

“It was clear that such policies would only add another new loophole allowing development in ODZ areas,” he explained. He said that, regardless of the public consultation, Ellul forged ahead with the original proposals. “We do not believe that Ellul is credible for such a position and to write new guidelines on this topic, as she herself misinterprets her own policies to allow such projects to continue,” said Bondin.

He described this as an old-trick of past administrations and that history is continuously repeating itself. “Our mission statement is for the authority to protect the heritage in the interest of the community, and of developers.”


Appeal to PM

Paul Cardona, Chairman of FAA, said the Maltese constitution highlights that the environment must be protected and yet, in the same chapter of the constitution, the responsible minister is allowed to grant permission to “write over” the constitution to provide to their clients.  He said that this paragraph should be removed, as no one should have the power to be over the Constitution.

“I also appeal to our Prime Minister Joseph Muscat; all this is happening under your watch. I wish to remind the Prime Minister that on 19 July 2006, the FAA and Ramblers held a protest in front of Parliament. At the front of that protest, there was an MEP called Joseph Muscat. Is this the same Joseph Muscat, who took part in our protest?”

He said that the health of the population and the future generations are at risk if steps are not taken and the constitution is changed.


Photos: Alenka Falzon

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