The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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Alfred Sant MEP Thursday, 20 August 2020, 08:00 Last update: about 5 years ago

Where do we stand at present regarding the concept of quotas meant to ensure that more and more women reach leadership and decision-making positions?

I always concurred with the view that without quotas, it would be difficult to reach such an aim. In today’s Europe, a strong majority opinion prevails in favour of the idea, though its implementation has not been smooth. Among those which swing between being in favour, against or cool to the idea, one finds the right-wing German parties, the CDU and CSU. Unfortunately their off-on zigzag impacts negatively on other important centres of potential support in the European system. 

In Malta, serious and valid proposals have been made. They need some fine tuning to make them fit for purpose. There will be opposition, including from some women who will argue that quotas promote the mindset that women do not have the ability to succeed on their own steam. This argument completely ignores the point that entrenched economic and social factors rein back women’s progress. However, when the argument is put forward by women themselves, it ends up as a very powerful tool in the hands of men who just cannot stand the concept of quotas.



The agreement reached between Israel and the United Arab Emirates gave a big boost to Prime Minister Netanyahu who recently experienced a huge decline in his political prestige. The agreement radically alters the geo-strategic map of the Middle East.

It undermines the Palestinians who up to now, had relied on the understanding that no other Arab country would be extending recognition to Israel before the latter began to put into practice the doctrine of a two-state solution. The UAE claims that the agreement reached will help the Palestinian cause for it obliges Netanyahu to postpone the decision to annex part of the territory which Israel has been occupying since 1967.

It is true that the Israeli PM has been harshly attacked by those who expected he would honour his promise to annex occupied lands. But a postponement gives no guarantee that annexation will not happen.

Genuine peace in the Middle East will not be achieved with “solutions” that give Palestinians the feeling they have been betrayed.



One cannot but feel astonishment at how holy flames have flared around  some people who up to a few years ago, were not at all worried about what was going on, so long as the government was PN.

People who I know looked the other way when major cases of ... let me be diplomatic in how I phrase this... unacceptable political and social conduct were flagged, now can be seen as protagonists among the apostles of ethical behaviour.

People who as I know, manoeuvred with quite some cunning to abusively secure advantages for themselves and their relatives, now run crusades for the capture and punishment of people who they claim, committed abuses in past years.

Of course I agree that wherever scandalous behaviour occurs, measures should be taken and with no holds barred. But I get disgusted to see those who in the past were prime movers in such scenarios, now pose as the champions of light.

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