The Malta Independent 9 June 2024, Sunday
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Gap between PL and PN climbs to 39,000 votes, as Grech's trust rating plummets

Sunday, 9 May 2021, 10:37 Last update: about 4 years ago

The gap between the PN and the PL now stands at 39,000 votes, while Opposition and PN leader Bernard Grech’s trust rating has hit an all-time low with his trust rating standing at just 25.7%, a MaltaToday survey has revealed.

The PN leader had been gaining certain momentum and trust from people since taking the reins at the PN, as surveys showed that he was closing the gap between him and Prime Minister Robert Abela.

However, this survey, taken from samples throughout the past week, has shown that his trust rating has crashed.

It comes after a week of more internal discord between elements within the party - in this case, former leader Adrian Delia and MP Jason Azzoaprdi.  The matter was, Grech said, resolved on Thursday evening through a joint statement by the two MPs.

The PN’s support also suffered a hit, as it now stands at 30%, which is around the same support since the first survey took place after Grech was elected as leader.

The Prime Minister, on the other hand, gained 2% in trust rating, a positive step for him since his trust rating had been declining steadily recently.

However, the biggest noticeable increase was in people who responded that they trust neither the PM nor the Opposition leader, which forms 18% of the answers provided. Around 7% said that they don’t know who they trust most. This means that around 25% of the people either don’t trust any leaders or don’t know who to trust.

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