The Malta Independent 16 June 2024, Sunday
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Discarded police tape spoils one of the most scenic roads

Tuesday, 31 August 2021, 10:29 Last update: about 4 years ago

People who frequent the area known as Top of the World in Gharghur, which overlooks the Madliena and Bahar ic-Caghaq area, expressed their dismay that police tape to limit entry has been left along the road.

The police tape appeared over the weekend, possibly to coincide with an activity related to the feast of St Bartholomew, which was celebrated in Gharghur over the weekend.

But it has since been left there, stretching for many metres along the road. Parts of it have been torn and flap around in the wind.

The police tape should have been removed once the activity ended, one resident argued.

People who go for a walk in the area – Triq Ghaxqet l-Ghajn – say that if the police do not give a good example in environmental care, then it is no wonder that there are so many areas around Malta that are dirty and where people dump unwanted material.

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