The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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MUMN says it ‘will not be bullied by Health Division’

Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 09:03 Last update: about 4 years ago

The Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses said today it will not be bullied by the government's legal action.

It is evident that the law Courts are being continuously used against MUMN so that professional health care workers are deprived from improved collective agreements, the MUMN said in a statement.

None of the previous prime ministers or health ministers used law courts against the rights of the health professionals. This shows the arrogance and lack of respect which this government has, the MUMN said.

For nine months MUMN has tried to reach an agreement with the Health Division on various sectorial agreements but all MUMN’s efforts were met with arrogance and stubborness from the government’s side.

The whole scope, the union claimed, is that when all meetings end up in a statement,leaving no options but to start directives, the Health Division will then resort to law courts to halt any industrial action and neutralize all union efforts.

MUMN said it will not be muzzled by such dirty tactics leaving Health Professionals without any decent sectorial agreement and will continue to fight against such arrogance. 

For this reason, today 13 October, MUMN re-issued several directives to the Decontamination Sterile Technicians (DSTS), The Dental Surgery Assistants ( DSAs) and the phlebotomists. MUMN said it would like to apologize to the public for such directives but it has been left with no choice since the Health Division has no interest to reach decent sectorial agreements since it has no respect towards these Health Professionals.

Other MUMN’s  directives in MDH and ST, Vincent DePaul Residence:

1.    Currently there is an ongoing directive to all nurses working in MDH not to use the Robotic system for the administration of drugs which cost the tax payer 25 millions euros. The Health Division is still in denial that such Robotic system is a complete failure even after two years. All Robotic Computers called Mario and Sophia have not been used by the nurses in MDH for the last two months and all treatment is been given manually and not through a failed system.

2.    MUMN stopped St. Vincent De Paul Residence (SVP) from accepting admissions and ordered a complete lock down in SVP. This is due that the Health Division would not reach an agreement with the Elderly Division on the number of new graduates of nurses needed to be deployed in the elderly Sector. 

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