The Malta Independent 14 June 2024, Friday
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‘Castillo’, Take//Two’s first theatrical project

Tuesday, 8 February 2022, 10:03 Last update: about 3 years ago

Based on Clare Azzopardi’s thrilling novel bearing the same title, ‘Castillo’ is a new commission by Spazju Kreattiv, co-produced with Take//Two Malta and supported by Arts Council Malta. This will be the first time ever that Take//Two will be taking on a theatrical project. Since Spazju Kreattiv is particularly interested in documenting the process of creation, we spoke to director ABIGAIL MALLIA and scriptwriter CARLOS DEBATTISTA to tell us a little bit more about what putting up a play based on a book entails.

What comes first in this process? Adapting a novel into theatre inevitably requires it being read. What was your first impression on the novel?

The novel juxtaposes the Malta inhabited by Emma, Amanda and Cathy against the fictitious one of Castillo, offering a bitter sweet nostalgic journey that explores strong themes such as guilt and regret, family and personal relationships, as well as morality. They are all set against the background of the socio-political turmoil that took place in Malta in the 1980s. It was a very engaging read that immediately beckoned a visual rendition.


Clare Azzopardi's 'Castillo' is a contemporary giant in the local literary world. Based within the political turbulence, experienced in Malta in the 1980s, you would think that this narrative would simply be recounting the past. How does the story-line connect the past with the present?

When we met with Clare she spoke specifically on how the work attempts to explore memory lacunae; how tainted are the memories of those who recount their history to us? How much do we really remember? And how much is simply made up, unconsciously, and told as the truth? We found this feature very intriguing and we will attempt to explore it throughout our work on this project.


Directed by a woman, originally written by a woman and containing a cast of characters predominantly made up of women; would you consider 'Castillo' a woman's perspective towards Maltese socio-political issues?

Yes and no. Certainly, women and their socio-political standing in Maltese society is one of the central themes in the story. From a broader perspective, however Castillo deals with the quintessential struggle between right and wrong, good and evil, and the individual moral choices that we all must make when faced with that unique blend of Maltese home-grown tyranny - the eternal struggle of speaking up for the benefit of the country or versus staying silent to protect one's own.


To say that Take//Two as a film and TV production company is 'seasoned' would be a heavy understatement. Your name is a local staple and yet 'Castillo' will be your first time writing and directing a full-length theatre production. Why make your first move to the theatre with 'Castillo'?

We have always been interested in creating visual art. Theatre is but another form of expression. When the opportunity presented itself we welcomed it as a chance to explore this exciting medium with a strongly themed and socially relevant story. We feel that the characters and themes within the project can give a theatre audience a whole lot to engage with.


As a follow-up to the previous question, what particular differences are you anticipating between the process of writing a screenplay and a script for a theatrical production?

The medium defines the script. What is exciting to us is the freedom theatre gives when it comes to the interaction with audiences on the imaginative level. Theatre can push boundaries and the audience takes an active part in that creative process.


Even though it's in its preliminary stages, could you perhaps let us know what the audience should expect from this adaptation?

We hope to provoke and inspire, to force audiences to question whether they are doing enough for their country or just burying their heads in the sand; whether it is wiser to stay silent rather than risk being blacklisted or putting oneself in danger. We want audiences to go on a journey with Clare Azzopardi's incredible characters and we hope they will linger with them for a while, even after they leave the theatre.


'Castillo' will be available both at Spazju Kreattiv's theatre live and online on demand. Live performances will take place between 11and 25 February. The online on demand option will be available to audiences from Saturday, 19 February at 8pm until Friday, 25 February at 7pm (this selection has the option of English subtitles). For more information, make sure to visit

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