The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Some wives do have 'em!

Sunday, 10 July 2022, 08:39 Last update: about 3 years ago

The MADC promises a night of comedic fun in this adaptation by director Chris Gatt of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’, set in a sort of contemporary Malta in Sliema’s Windsor Terrace

Kim Dalli and Antonella Axisa. Photos: Justin Mamo
Kim Dalli and Antonella Axisa. Photos: Justin Mamo

The backdrop of Malta Amateur Dramatic Club's production of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor (Terrace) is the eponymous Sliema street when British forces are leaving the island in the late 1970s and early 1980s. 

The plot centres around the buffoonish John Falstaff (Edward Thorpe). A knight of the realm, Falstaff is a grifter who eyes two Sliema housewives hoping to con their husbands out of some dosh. But he gets much more than he bargained for in Antonella Axisa's Margaret Page and Kim Dalli's Alice Ford, who give the schemer a good run for his money!


The play offers three wonderful comedic roles for women, including the character of Mistress Quickly (played by Francesca Briffa), who involves herself with gusto in the shenanigans that unfold as Falstaff sets his plans in motion only to see them unravelling every step of the way.

"This is a fabulous romp of a play, which has quite a feminist twist," says Dalli gleefully. "Mrs Ford and Mrs Page team up to outwit Falstaff and, in doing so, Alice also seizes the opportunity to get back at her obsessively jealous husband. What ensues is much hilarity, with the ladies concocting a number of practical jokes, including - in one memorable moment - persuading Falstaff to take refuge in a basket of dirty laundry!"

Mrs Ford plans all this in cahoots with her best friend, Mrs Page. "She is a smart, cunning, fun-loving woman who comes up with the most creative ways to mistreat Falstaff and teach him a lesson," says Axisa of her character.  "I'm thoroughly enjoying playing such a strong woman; a wise individual who also knows how to make the most of life and have lots of fun. Definitely my kind of person!"

Adding a bout of bawdiness to the comedy wherever she appears is Briffa's Mistress Quickly. "Quickly is the housekeeper of Sliema's Doctor Caius," explains Briffa. "She delivers messages to and from the wives, Falstaff and the several suitors of Mrs Page's daughter Anne, making a quick lira with every opportunity she gets. And, of course, adding to the comic confusion!"

And there is plenty of comic confusion in store for the audience given that rehearsals have been hilarious so far. "This play is a full-blown farce with plenty of double-entendres underlining the physical comedy," explains Axisa. "We've had to work especially hard on the comic timing because it is essential - and it offers some great opportunities for audience interaction."

"One particular rehearsal involved our director Chris getting slapped repeatedly on his rear end..." recalls Dalli with a twinkle in her eye, but sadly refusing to elaborate.

"Another highlight is finally working on a production with a large cast as they are always too much fun," adds Briffa. "And we're thoroughly excited that Merry Wives will be MADC's largest production since 2019's Panto and the ensuing pandemic."

There is, as ever, a palpable excitement about performing at San Anton. "Performing in MADC's legendary Shakespeare at San Anton Gardens promises to be a magical, unforgettable experience," muses Axisa. "Spending time in the gardens themselves, surrounded by nature, is already enough; let alone bringing a brilliant Shakespearean comedy to life with this wonderful group of people." 

"The Gardens hold a very special place in my heart," continues Briffa. "My earliest memory is of attending rehearsals as a young child to see my mother, Marylu Coppini, as Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream rising on a forklift truck up into the trees. I have countless memories of being there and the atmosphere is always so magical. The sweet fresh air of one of Malta's most beautiful locations naturally lends itself to the story and becomes a character within the play."

There is solid consensus that audiences will get to experience a jolly night out surrounded by the beauty of San Anton. "They are certainly in for a treat," says Dalli. "The local twist we've given proceedings - with British 'remainers' and local dockyard workers interacting with Sliema wives - add a colourful patchwork of characters and situations to the play that the audience is sure to recognise and revel in."

This production is supported by Arts Council Malta and is suitable for audiences aged eight and over. Tickets and further information are available at

MADC's 'The Merry Wives of Windsor (Terrace)' will be performed at San Anton Gardens, Attard, from 16 to 24 July, with all performances starting at 8.30pm


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