The Malta Independent 19 June 2024, Wednesday
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Police delays: Minister says he is not informed about investigations

Semira Abbas Shalan Thursday, 23 March 2023, 08:04 Last update: about 2 years ago

Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri would not be drawn into commenting on reports of delays within the police force to conduct searches of Enemalta’s offices.

Times of Malta has reported that a corruption probe into the Montenegro wind farm deal has stalled after sources revealed police delays to search Enemalta's offices. A magisterial inquiry into this case is still ongoing.


NGO Repubblika had called for the removal of both Camilleri and Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa. "We cannot begin to heal as long as Byron Camilleri remains Home Affairs Minister and Angelo Gafà remains the complicit head of the Police," Repubblika said.

The Malta Independent asked Camilleri whether Gafa should resign, to which he said that he is the wrong person to ask, because as a Minister he is not, nor should he be, informed on police investigations, and that he has no means to verify whether the reports are true.

When pressed on further reports that police are dragging their feet in searching Enemalta’s offices and other major cases, Camilleri again said that he has no means to verify such reports.

“Everyone is aware that there is a magisterial inquiry and the police are working under this inquiry. Once again, I have no means to verify these reports,” Camilleri said, adding that he cannot comment.

When asked if he should uphold political responsibility after calls for his own resignation, Camilleri said that the time where a politician calls the police and orders the arrest of an individual has long passed.

“This is a mentality coming from the PN, who have also made these questions to me in parliament. The time where the politician meets with criminals in the Office of the Police Commissioner has passed, and those things will not happen again,” he said.

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