The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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Clergy to meet funeral cortege at church, no longer at morgue

Friday, 24 March 2023, 12:11 Last update: about 2 years ago

The Archdiocese of Malta has decided that from next month clergy will receive funeral processions at the church door, where a blessing will take place before the Mass, instead of accompanying corteges from the morgue to the funeral service, the Curia said in a statement Friday.

A spokesperson for the Archdiocese said: “The bishops have taken this difficult decision, after consultation with parish priests, due to the declining number of clergy in parishes, increasingly lengthy travel times and a long-felt need for priests to be present in church before the funeral service takes place to console relatives and friends as well as hear confessions.”

Priests will continue to be available when loved ones pass away, either in a residence or in hospital, and will also continue to take part in the procession from the church to the cemetery where burial takes place.

The new measure will take effect immediately after Easter, on April 10.

“The bishops fully appreciate that the loss of a loved one is a difficult and heartrending experience for family and friends and assure the faithful that the clergy remain fully committed to providing consolation, compassion and support at this trying time.

“The faithful are encouraged to immediately request the assistance of a priest whenever they or their loved ones are admitted to hospital or residential care and to make those responsible for their care aware of their wishes,” the spokesperson said.

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