The Malta Independent 5 May 2024, Sunday
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Evolution versus creation. Who is right?

Sunday, 1 October 2023, 07:20 Last update: about 8 months ago

Anthony Zarb Dimech

One of the perennial and complex debates in human discussion is the one between Evolutionists and Creationists. The bottom line to this debate is that it all boils down to one’s faith in either of one of these theories. This feature explores salient aspects of these two theories in the light of human philosophy and science with the aim of simplyfying this infinite and eternal debate

Evolutionary theory leaves no room for a supernatural creator and since this theory believes there is no God or an intelligent designer, then there are no rules and no one to give an account of one’s actions.

Freud asserted that mankind created God to compensate for failed relationships. Sigmund Freud (1859-1939), the father of psychoanalysis, formally developed the psychological theory that human beings invented God out of desire to find security amid a fearful natural world.

In his book The Future of an Illusion (1927), Freud developed the theory that human beings face a frightening world full of natural calamities and, ultimately, the terrifying fear of death itself. Therefore, just as a child looks to his father for comfort and solace during frightening times so do adults regarding God. Out of fear and a desire to be protected, human beings project a belief in an imaginary cosmic father figure (God).

Freud viewed religious beliefs as lacking any rational foundation, so the concept of God is merely an illusion arising from human wishful thinking. He identified belief in God as an “infantile neurosis” (a disorder of the mind) because the adult refuses to mature.

There is one important shortcoming in Freud’s reasoning in that no mortal ever witnessed God. Freud is not perfectly correct in his theory that humankind created God. In fact, there are those who propose the very opposite. It is argued that if humankind was to have its own way, it would rather do without God existing by eliminating God altogether. This does make sense, in that at some point or another in our lifetime, it is noted that when anything goes bad in life or a tragic event occurs, people (religious and non-religious) almost invariably and inevitably blame God; how could God allow this and how could God allow that? Indeed, if humankind could have its own way, God would be eliminated and not create a God as Freud asserted.

Those who adhere to the Evolutionist theory use Biology textbooks that show laboratory experiments  proving living organisms evolved from non-loving organisms and that certain organic compounds can be formed from inorganic compounds. But, even so, an intelligence was and is still needed to conduct and design these experiments. Certainly, that is far from creating life in a laboratory. And the amount of information contained in the nucleus of a living cell shows that it could not have evolved from non-living chemicals and hence it must have been created.

Another shortfall of evolutionists is that fossil records do not show continuous development of one kind of creature into another and that no one has ever seen one kind of plant or animal changing into another of a different kind. Dogs change into other species of dogs but they are always dogs. And one can breed dogs to form a different variety but never turn a dog into a cat or kangaroo! Species remain within the boundaries that God created for them since the beginning.

There are also layers of assumptions used to calculate the age of the earth using radiometric dating. Radiometric dating (or radioactive dating) is any technique used to date organic and inorganic materials from a process involving radioactive decay. The method compares the abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope within the material to the abundance of its decay products, which form at a known constant rate of decay. The public is also being misled on this. The earth is not billions of years old and not even millions of years old. Evolutionists also have nothing but vast periods of time (random chance events)

Evolutionists and Creationists will go on with their technical debate and definitions arguing back and forth ad infinitum. But the most troubling aspect about this debate is not the debate itself, but that in our time and age, evolutionary theory is being taught in schools and universities across the world as a matter of fact. Still, no one can scientifically prove evolution, just as no one can prove that scientifically God created the world, since no one was present to witness it. Belief in these theories and teachings then becomes a matter of faith.

If one is a person who subcribes to Humanism, then it will be easy to believe in Evolution because Humanists do not believe in an afterlife. They rely on science for answers to questions such as creation. They base their moral and ethical decision-making on reason, empathy and compassion for others.

On the other hand, those who hold to creation have their beliefs firmly rooted in the truths contained in the Bible and a personal God who created everything. Both sides of the Evolutionist and Creationist evidence have to be studied and eventually, after discerning both, one has to make up one’s mind and choose which to believe in. Either one looks at life through man’s Humanistic ideas or God’s Word.

It is estimated that for every three scientists, one does not believe in God. For the unbelieving, atheist or gnostic scientist, there are some valuable scientific insights with respective Scripture references:


Scientific Insight

Bible Reference

Atomic Fission

2 Peter 3:10

Ocean Currents

Psalms 8:8, Isaiah 43:16

Hydrologic Cycle

Job 36:27, Amos 9:6

Jet Stream

Ecclesiastics 1:6,7


Job 40-41, Psalms 74:14

Immeasurable Stars

Jeremiah 33:22


Ultimately, if a person choses to follow evolution then he/she will go to where it leads. If a person decides to believe in God and most importantly believe what He says in His Word, then he/she will serve the Lord. Nothing can be proven by present theories and hence faith is the answer to any doubt.

The choice is between chancing eternity on the views of Freud or Humanistic theories or putting trust in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the sins of humankind, was buried and rose again on the third day.

Some may call the above stupidity; others call it humility and will trust and follow Christ and wait on the eternal life that He offers.

May you find the same hope!


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