The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Environmental responsibility is central to economic success – Minister Dalli

Thursday, 16 May 2024, 09:13 Last update: about 20 days ago

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour Miriam Dalli has welcomed the innovative approach adopted by a Maltese company, setting new standards for the plastics manufacturing industry in Malta.

Accompanied by Circular Economy Malta CEO Jason Vella, Minister Dalli visited MCL Components Limited in Bulebel, a company that designs and creates reusable products that are easily recycled at their end of useful life. Products are designed to cater to the diverse needs of their clientele, thus minimising waste and imparting a positive environmental impact. Any excess material generated by the manufacturing process is recycled within the plant for the manufacture of other products marketed by MCL.


During the visit, Minister Dalli emphasized the crucial importance of supporting and incentivizing sustainability initiatives among local enterprises. She also highlighted the need for a collective transition from a linear economic model to a circular one, where resources are used efficiently, and waste is minimized through innovative practices.

"By embracing sustainable manufacturing practices and prioritizing environmental responsibility, MCL Components Limited sets a commendable example for the industry. Their commitment to net zero waste, net zero energy operation, coupled with the utilization of recycled materials and pollutant-free production processes, reflects their dedication to the principles of the circular economy,” said Minister Dalli.

CEO of Circular Economy Malta Jason Vella underlined the significance of embarking on a closed loop approach to local manufacturing where products are designed and manufactured to be completely reusable at their end of life. He stressed that this approach is beneficial, economically to producers and customer alike and leave a lasting positive impact to the environment.

Moreover, Vella referred to the recent initiative of Bring Your Own Container launched by the Agency, where consumers are encouraged to visit registered retailers to choose refillable containers when purchasing a wide range of products, ranging from drinks and foodstuffs to detergents and cosmetics. By opting for refillable containers, consumers actively contribute to reducing single-use plastic consumption and promoting a circular economy mindset.

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