The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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PN MEPs led by ‘Brussels establishment’, Abela says

Saturday, 18 May 2024, 19:23 Last update: about 22 days ago

MEPs representing the Nationalist Party act according to what the Brussels establishment tells them to do, even if this means going against Malta’s interests, Prime Minister Robert Abela said Saturday.

"If the Brussels establishment wants to focus on weapons, then the PN will be in favour. And if the Brussels establishment wants Europe to break farmers with prices, then the Nationalists will also support that," the prime minister said in Nadur.

Abela suggested that PN MEPs put Malta's interests aside if it means that they will advance in their career, he said, a strong reference to PN MEP Roberta Metsola who is the European Parliament’s president.

Conversely, PL MEPs always put Malta first and work for peace in Europe, Abela said. 

The Prime Minister said he is confident that an agreement with the Malta Union of Teachers will be reached in the near future. The MUT on Friday gave the government a 24 May ultimatum before issuing directives to its members.

Teachers have been told "untruths", adding that teachers will receive an "unprecedented" pay rise when the collective agreement is signed. 

He said the government reached an accord with many unions, and does not see a reason why it no such agreement will be reached with teachers.

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