The Malta Independent 13 June 2024, Thursday
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PN MEPs have brought more honour to Malta than others – Bernard Grech

Sabrina Zammit Monday, 20 May 2024, 20:24 Last update: about 23 days ago

It is the PN’s MEPs who have brought the most honour to Malta when compared to those of the Labour Party, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech said on the campaign trail on Monday.

During a political event in Rabat, three weeks before the upcoming Local Council and European Parliament elections, Grech said that the PN and its representatives have a track record of helping people.

Giving examples, he said that it was the PN’s minority representation within the Valletta Local Council that fought in the name of residents for restaurants to lower their volumes after 11pm, and for such laws to be enforced.

Moreover, it was also during a PN government that a school was being opened on a yearly basis, on the contrary of what is currently happening under a PL administration.

On mental health issues, the PN Leader said that the party has called for a discussion on the mental health state of the nation during a parliamentary committee. Under pressure from the PN, the government agreed to a discussion, however cancelled it after the PN asked for an agenda as the government said it had no direction for the meeting.

Grech said that from a matter which should be concerning the whole nation, the government turned it into a partisan one.

“They have been in government for 11 years and they are still without direction,” he said of the Labour Party.

The PN Leader said that on the contrary of the PL, the PN has acknowledged the wrongdoing it has done in the past, and “if need be, we will still acknowledge it.”

He added however that despite its wrongdoings, the PN will never “steal the future of your children or €400 million” from hospitals.

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