The Malta Independent 15 June 2024, Saturday
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Grech slams Abela’s ‘irresponsible’ trap comment, says Prime Minister has reached ‘desperate levels’

Tuesday, 21 May 2024, 21:52 Last update: about 24 days ago

Opposition Leader Bernard Grech hit out at Prime Minister Robert Abela over 'irresponsible' and 'desperate' comments the latter made on Tuesday evening.

Abela had alleged that the Nationalist Party is planning 'a trap' for supporters of Joseph Muscat who attend a demonstration on 28 May.

Bernard Grech, in response, said that Abela's 'irresponsible' comments are those of a "desperate person, who not only lost control of the Labour Party and Labour government, but he is a prime minister who instead of doing everything to ensure the country's institutions work serenely, is now not only attacking them but is also inventing stories about the Nationalist Party."

"We got used to him, got use to him being a dangerous person, but now he reached desperate levels that I never expected from a Prime Minister of my country."

He appealed to Abela to stop with this "perilous attitude".

"Your discourse is intentioned to fan the flames and to do damage," he told Abela. "It is discourse intentioned to create unrest. That is why I am asking you to stop this kind of behaviour. But I will also tell you clearly. If it is true that you have information, I am making it clear from now that you are to go to the Police Commissioner with the information you have, which I am sure you are inventing as you have now lost all decency. But if you have information go to the police commissioner to investigate, or have you also now lost all trust in the commissioner?"

"Let us allow the institutions to work and let us see to it that justice works as justice is for everyone. In this country, nobody is bigger than anyone else, and nobody is bigger than the country. That is why my appeal is for responsibility, caution, good behaviour from everyone. Let us allow the institutions to work, and don't fall for the provocation of the Prime Minister, who is so weak and worried that he is doing everything to try and, some way, create unrest. The Prime Minister should be embarrassed by this behaviour and must stop with this dangerous behaviour," Grech said.


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