The Malta Independent 10 June 2024, Monday
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Bronk Productions In Germany

Malta Independent Wednesday, 3 August 2005, 00:00 Last update: about 12 years ago

The popular local drama company Bronk Productions was recently invited to attend an International Circus Theatre Camp organized by TPZ, one of the largest theatre academies in Germany.

Fifteen drama students aged between 14 and 25 from the Bronk Productions Drama school went to Linden in Germany accompanied by two directors, Benny Casha and Pierre Bonello together with John Suda, who is also one of the tutors, for a 10-day stay between 14 and 24 July.

The Maltese students worked with other students from Poland, Estonia and Germany and participated in various workshops. There were four workshops dealing with Commedia dell’Arte, Capoeira, Juggling and Acrobatics.

During a particular evening session, the Maltese students produced an all Maltese production that included traditional Maltese food, songs and dances with one of the latter re-enacting the victory in the Great Siege of Malta.

The local productions were very well received by the public and this has led to an invitation for Bronk to participate in next year’s TPZ workshop sessions.

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