The Malta Independent 17 June 2024, Monday
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Court: Would-be Arsonist put on probation

Malta Independent Tuesday, 4 April 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 13 years ago

A would-be arsonist was put on probation for three years and handed a Lm500 fine after he admitted the charges brought against him.

Jonathan Cauchi, 23, of Pieta, was accused of trying to set fire to a Pieta residence on 13 June 2004 at around 8.30pm. He is also charged with damaging other people’s property, driving carelessly, disobeying police orders and relapsing in view of a previous conviction.

The man pleaded guilty.

When handing down judgment the court took note of a number of issues. The man is now steadily employed and in a serious relationship. The victim also forgave Cauchi for his actions and they are now friends.

In addition, his criminal record only includes a crime related to the use of firecrackers at a village feast and he was genuinely sorry for what he had done. In view of this, the court felt a prison term would not be adequate punishment.

Cauchi was sentenced to three years’ probation and was ordered to pay a Lm500 fine.

Inspectors Angelo Caruana and Mario Bonello prosecuted.

Dr Roberto Montalto and Dr Jose Herrera appeared for the accused.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri Herrera presided over the court.

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