The Malta Independent 12 June 2024, Wednesday
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Early Learning Centre Chosen as a Superbrand

Malta Independent Tuesday, 6 June 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 11 years ago

Early Learning Centre – ELC – one of the leading toy brands has been included as one of Britain’s Superbrands by the independent members of the Superbrands Council in the 10th anniversary edition of “Superbrands – an insight into Britain’s strongest brands”.

The council is made up of eminent figures from the world of branding and all have a deep understanding of what makes an exceptional brand. ELC was chosen as a Superbrand from a short list of over 1,000 names and is considered as an exceptional brand together with the likes of American Express, Duracell, DHL, Kleenex etc. Angela Punphrey, MD of Superbrands, said that “a superbrand has established the finest reputation in its field and offers consumers emotional and tangible advantages over other brands which customers want to recognise.”

Dr Kevin Hawkins OBE – Director General, British Retail Consortium, stated that a brand is a Badge of Reassurance. “Superbrands, like ELC, are all about value for money, functionality, performance safety and reliability. Many aspire to reach the top echelon and are working hard to achieve their goal. Superbrands are and will remain an inspiration to all brand owners.”

ELC is present in Malta through a franchise owned by Amca Ltd. Marlene Mizzi, MD of Amca Ltd, is very satisfied that ELC has been included as a Superbrand.

“We believe that ELC offers more than safety and good value for money.

The strong point of ELC lies in the fact that an ELC toy is not just an item to keep your kid good and quiet. It is a tool which develops a child’s mind, stimulates creativity, fires imagination, and encourages coordination of the mind and body, while being great fun for the child. ELC has become a favourite with parents and playschools who realise how important a toy can be for a child’s mental and physical development. “‘Toys that makes learning fun’ is ELC’s punch line… and this could not be truer.”

ELC stores are found in Merchants’ Street, Valletta, and St Paul’s Street, Rabat.

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