The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Deposit Scheme ‘caters for needs of individual retailer’

Malta Independent Friday, 13 October 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

The scheme for the deposit and return beverage containers being proposed by Malta Deposit and Return System (MDRS) is intended to help the environment and address the impact of the expected 3,000 tonnes of plastic and 5,000 tonnes of glass per annum that will be unleashed on the Maltese market in January 2008, when this packaging becomes permissible, the company said. It said that by simply ignoring the scheme, as GRTU is advising its members to do, the problem will not be resolved.

“MDRS’s scheme is the result of years of research based on the Maltese deposit return experience as well as on other successful and proven systems that have been operational for a number of years in various European countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany and Estonia.”

The company said that this is why MDRS believes that, rather than embarking on pointless crusades against a genuine and justifiable scheme that can guarantee a very high rate of success, it will be more productive for all concerned if at this stage there are talks about how the proposed system by MDRS can be improved further.

“We appreciate that not all retailers have the same needs or preferences. Each retailer has his or her own particular requirements. This is exactly what we should be discussing today: how to cater for the real and particular requirements of each individual retailer,” MDRS said.

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