The Malta Independent 5 June 2024, Wednesday
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Parliament: Alcohol And the young

Malta Independent Friday, 13 October 2006, 00:00 Last update: about 19 years ago

The bill against alcohol abuse is aimed at increasing penalties for those who sell alcohol to minors and also to penalise minors consuming alcohol. The enforcement of this bill is imperative in order to safeguard children, adolescents and society as a whole, Parliamentary Secretary for the Self-Employed Edwin Vassallo, said in parliament on Wednesday.

He stated that this bill places a responsibility on shop-owners, as well as on children and adolescents who consume alcohol. Malta ranks high with regard to alcohol consumption when compared to other European countries. He argued that this problem of alcohol abuse in Malta is not solely a problem among minors, but is present among adults too.

Labour spokesman on education Carmelo Abela stated that educating children and adults in gaining awareness on alcohol consumption and its effects is crucial. The primary socialising agent of the child is the family. Parents are responsible for the care of their children and should safeguard them and educate them with regard to alcohol dependency.

Parliamentary Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Tony Abela agreed that families should act as role models for their children and adults should not consume excessive amounts of alcohol, especially in the presence of their children. The media also plays an essential role in bringing about more awareness.

Mr Abela maintained that there are various reasons as to why children and young adults may resort to drinking. Children and adolescents are faced with difficulties from all facets of life, including school pressures, familial problems and finding suitable employment. These pressures and difficulties may lead these children and adolescents to resort to alcohol in an attempt to forget about their problems.

He referred to the World Health Assembly, which explored the impact of alcohol on the human body. Excessive alcohol consumption affects not only the physical aspect, but also the mental and the social ones. He emphasised the fact that alcohol abuse may drive one to violent behaviour, leading to brawls and arguments.

Labour MP Justyne Caruana stated that breathalyser tests should be carried out more frequently in order to prevent people from drinking and driving. She addressed the issue of minors being in possession of false identity cards in order to purchase alcohol. She stated that this is a serious offence and those caught should be penalised harshly.

Labour MP Adrian Vassallo mentioned that this legislation is imperative, however, there needs to be political will in order for the law to be enforced. He stated that there is not enough discipline in Malta and that people are sometimes caught breaking the law without their being penalised for it. He made reference to the fact that some entertainment establishments are breaking the law by remaining open beyond 4am.

Dr Vassallo stated that the penalties for those caught selling alcohol to minors are not harsh enough.

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